As factories integrator, we know there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Our expertise provide best-in-class All in One Real Specs solar street lamps tailored to your needs, regardless of industry or geographic location.
When integrating factories leaders in solar-powered illumination technology, we offer customers the ability to customize their lighting systems to provide optimized illumination for every space.
All in One Solar LED street lights are becoming increasingly popular. Many places in the world are adapting to the newness and greenness that comes with this type of light. Many experts and environmentalists agree that solar LED street lights should replace conventional street lighting options.
Unlike fossil fuels, which have a finite amount before they are depleted, solar energy will always be available. Here you are a great way to take advantage of the sun energy to produce light in the most efficient ways.
Bear in mind that lighting upgrades go beyond lamps, drivers and fixtures. To further increase efficiency and savings, controllable lighting is not just something that's "good to have." It's a necessity for creating a truly efficient lighting system. However, as important as lighting controls are for energy savings, most facility professionals still have not implemented a facility-wide controls system in their buildings.
But you need to be aware about discerning between REAL and FAKES offers and specifications. As highly reputable energy consultants, we consider as our main duty to alert clients about the proliferation of models of solar LED street lamps of highly dubious performance. The vast majority of complaints focus on the fact that most of the time, this type of luminaries remain off or, in the best of cases, only turn on with very poor luminosity and for a very short time, being unable to provide the lighting standards that the site requires and its technical specifications promote. Please take your time to read carefully all the information we want to share now with you using our Integration Coefficient IC manufacturing, marketing and communication model.
Solar LED Lighting has become more popular in recent years as people search for more environmentally-friendly alternatives to traditional electric lighting. Instead of relying on lights powered by expensive battery packs or ones connected to the municipal power grid, homeowners and businesses can break free of their dependence on this dated form of energy by harnessing the sun’s clean and renewable energy.
This is an incredible statement and then something hard to understand: With only 1 percent of buildings using controls, LED and/or solar, these are often the most overlooked, although they are the most effective technologies in saving energy and even more through smart lighting using solar panels.
Let's change that. Upgrading to lighting controls with LED and solar can save as much as 80 percent of the energy used in neighborhoods and commercial buildings for outdoor lighting. This can amount to a very significant saving on energy costs and the dollars saved only will increase as the cost of energy rises. And when you add Solar-No cables technology the savings increase dramatically.
Last but not least, it is 100% clean, green, off the grid, renewable light.

According to Allied Market Research report, the global LED All-In-One Solar Lamp market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.4% between 2021 and 2031. Another report from Research And Markets says that the market for these lamps reached $570.4 million in 2020 and is expected to reach $1,090.6 million by 2025, with a CAGR of 13.8%. between 2020 and 2025 and also coinciding with the former one about the CAGR for 2031.

According to Grand View Research "Outdoor Solar LED Market Size -2021-2028" the main reasons to expect the CAGR shown in the former graphics are:
The increasing awareness to obtain efficiency in terms of cost-effective, and environment-friendly solutions for the outdoor lighting structure, used for different purposes.
The solar outdoor LED lighting utilizes a renewable source of energy, solar, reducing the level of greenhouse gas emissions, and is extensively applied for commercial and residential projects. Advancements in solar technology, concerning the design system, such as solar tracking mounts, thin-film technology, floating panels, and bio-solar cells, have also sparked the demand for solar LED.
Growing investment initiatives in the construction of highways, buildings, street lights, and other industrial establishments.
Strengthened living standards of the population.
Solar LED lights provide certain benefits such as protection from the harmful UV rays, are temperature-resistant, and are long-lasting than other lights.
It further encouraged the dependence and utilization of clean energy from the customers.
A reduction in the prices of LEDs, and penetration of LEDs for outdoor lighting applications.
The installation costs of the Solar LED lighting as being independent of the grid decreased dramatically.
The Governmental initiatives provided through the awareness about green and energy-saving products, in the commercial projects are anticipated to increase the adoption rates of the solar LED light products. For example, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), has extended financial assistance by providing interest-free loans, to the customers for non-residential projects, ensuring use of the solar LED lighting. This represents massive opportunities for expansion in the forecast period.
The accumulation of the snow and dust particles, on the horizontal surface of the panels, is expected to influence the production and functioning of the lights then some maintenance costs are expected further limiting the potential of the market.
The existence of "fake" offers from dubious suppliers that are taking advantage of the lack of understanding about the weather dependency or conditions influencing the production or functioning is also a major challenge impacting the market expansion.
Inadequacy of the funds and plans for the institutionalization of the solar LED lights, are expected to hamper the growth over the forecast period.

Our All in One solar street lights are comprised of a compact, reliable and extremely bright package, integrating:
A high efficiency mono-crystalline 25~30 years life span solar panel.
A LED light chip from internationally recognized manufacturers and with 200 lumen per watt.
A MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) charge controller with a Battery Smart Management or Battery Program Updated that will guarantee the best charging control to extend the battery life.
A long life and lasting replaceable LiFePO4 battery bank that has significantly more capacity and voltage retention in the cold weather when compared to Li-ion, NCM and lead-acid older technologies, so, LiFePO4 is now the new tendency for an expected 10 years of quality operation.
And a long-range PIR motion sensor and timer control with the option of using a wireless remote control device.
This street, area, and parking lot All in One solar lighting alternative system is one complete unit making this product fast and easy to install, and a solid, cost-effective, and efficient way to light your project, along with being a great investment.

Current market fake offers are unable to fulfill specifications that they usually promote as more than “5 nights backup” without giving you exact information about lumen, wattage, LED chip efficacy, battery capacity and type, solar panel wattage and technology among others.
So, as we have said before, the main claims from consumers regarding this kind of lamps are related with very short lighting time or lack of backup. The reason for that is simple: most of those lamps are designed with very low Solar Panel and Battery capacity and use to lean of extreme dimming control to provide some light for some time.
Let’s use one of our All in One Real Specs Solar LED street light as example:
30W:6000L ratio (200 L/W efficacy), 80Wp Mono-Crystalline Solar panel and 512Wh LiFePO4 battery.
First, because a typical DC-DC charging conversion efficiency of 90% the real battery capacity for this model is 512Whx0.90~461Wh.
Second, the power ratings of solar panels are specified for very sunny places with approximately 6 hrs or more of sunshine per day.
Then, for the model in this example, you can obtain a fully charged battery from the 80Wp solar panel in 512Wh/80W~6.4 hrs which means that for a very sunny place the battery can be fully charged in less than one 8 hrs sunny day. Then you can guarantee a full battery capacity every day after a full discharge every former night.
On the other hands, to get 6000 lumen (30W consumption) dividing 461Wh/30W~15 hrs which means one night of 12 hrs plus 3 hrs next night in case of a next rainy day (minimum charge for battery) after one night full discharge. Or one night of 10 hrs plus 5 hrs next night in the same case. And with 100% lumen in both cases without any dimming.
If you use our dimming options using our control system, for example, to 50% to get 3000L:15W ratio, you will provide 461Wh/15W~31 hrs (more than 3 nights of 10 hrs backup without recharging the batteries with the sun in the following 3 rainy days). If you can do double dimming per night according to people transit using the PIR function, you can double the lighting time (6~7 nights) just with one sunny day battery charging.
All the extraordinary performance behavior described above resumes our meaning of REAL specifications:
Battery (LiFePO4 technology) charged in less than one day in very sunny places (5.5 to 7 hrs of sun per day), then 100% lighting for 10~12 hrs per night after full one day battery charge and minimum DC wattage consumption vs 100% lumen which means using top notch led chips with more than 200L/W.
30W:6000L and 50W:10000L are the most popular models but there are also availability of customized models in 20W:4000L, 40W:8000L, 60W:12000L and 80W:16000L among other special requirements.
Now, let’s bring you some examples of supplier’s offers to let you find if their offers are “Real or Fake”. We are not providing brand names to just make our explanations dully based in promoted technical specifications.
This example is very interesting.
You can notice that specifications for capacity of solar panels and batteries are not described or better saying, they are hiding. Furthermore, there is not any specification for the DC power consumption of the lamp to determine the efficacy of the LED chip and neither any indication of the lighting time during night.
On the other hand, there is a specification of PIR distance of 8 meters for all models but the last one is recommended to be installed with a 10m height, then how to use the PIR in this case when this one only has a 8 meters range?
Now, it is also very interesting that these lamps are built with NCM batteries. Which is better for you to choose, NCM or LiFePO4 (LFP)?
As with any decision, there are trade-offs. Both LFP and NCM have their pros and cons in terms of performance, life, cost, and safety. Since some applications require a higher amount of energy whereas other applications require high power output, the choice between the two depends on your requirements. Broadly speaking, LFP has a longer cycle life than NCM but offers lower energy density. This means that for applications where higher energy density is required, such as electric vehicles, NCM is generally chosen over LFP. However, for applications where longevity is essential such as grid storage (solar lamps) or uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), LFP is usually preferred over NCM.
Here are other reasons why LiFePO4 may be a better option:
LiFePO4 batteries are safer compared to NCM batteries.
Lifepo4 batteries have longer lifespans.
LFP batteries are the most stable chemistry for Lithium-Ion.
LFP is environmentally friendly.
Compared to other lithium-ion batteries, LFP batteries have a higher discharge rate.
While NCM batteries can undergo thousands of cycles before failing, LFP batteries can undergo tens of thousands of cycles without degradation.
Lithium iron phosphate batteries are also less likely to have thermal runaway (fire).
Real or Fake? We want to let you decide about it.

This example is also very interesting but for other reasons.
In this case, the supplier is providing full specifications and also using LiFePO4 batteries. Then the only way to determine if the offer is "Real or Fake" is just doing as we explained before. Let’s see for example the 40W:6400L model:
First, we can check that LED efficacy is 160 L/W, same for the rest of models. So, this supplier is offering a kind of cost-effective lamp. Let’s continue.
The solar panel capacity for this model is 35Wp and the battery capacity is 244.2Wh. Then the battery can be charged in 244.2Wh/35W~7 hr. It does mean that the solar capacity is almost good enough (not extremely good) to get full battery power in just one sunny day.
But the problem we have found is related with the lighting time during the night. Taking in to account the conversion efficiency of 90% the real full battery capacity is 244.2Whx0.9~220Wh. If we want 100% lumen for 10 or 12 hours (all night) we find that maximum lighting time at full lumen is 220Wh/40W=5.5 hr. This means that the only way that this lamp can provide lighting during all night is doing dimming at 50%. And this supplier specification says: “Up to 12 hrs if fully charged, alternate working times, ranges from 3~6 nights”.
Real or Fake? We want to let you decide about it.
Solar insolation is how the measurement of average daily solar radiation is expressed. It's stated as a daily value called insolation hours. The hours of insolation are equal to the average daily kilowatt hours received per square meter. Each 1 kWh/m2 of average daily energy is defined as one hour of solar insolation. It does not mean "hours of sunlight". For example, depending on cloud patterns, an area with 11 hours of daytime may only receive a total of 5000 watts of solar energy per day per square meter, that area would have a solar insolation of 5.0 hours.
The amount of sunlight that hits a solar panel is one of the biggest factors in how much electricity it will generate. The more sunlight available to the panel, the more electricity it can produce. Even dust and debris can cause your panels’ production to drop, so it’s important to clean your solar panels once or twice a year. It’s more than just if your panels are shaded or not. It also has to do with if where you live naturally gets a lot of sunlight. Scientists use “peak sun hours” to compare how much sunlight different places get. Solar panels will be able to generate more electricity in places that get more peak sun hours.
Solar Insolation Charts shows the average daily hours of solar insolation for regions. Charts or maps such as the one below accurately predict the annual insolation of an area and can be used to determine the needed size of a solar energy system or to calculate future energy production.
The following pictures show solar insolation charts for North America, Latin America and Europe. Depending of the region you will install the All in One Solar LED lamps you will need to take into account how many “hours of sunlight” daily average you can obtain in order to choose the best lamp model that will guarantee you maximum lighting time and lumen during more nights.
North America Chart

From the above chart and just as an example, please check the following table comparing solar power production in some states of the U.S.

This table let you consider using bigger power lamps in those regions with less sunlight hours. The table also suggest using more dimming keeping the need of increasing lamps power and lumen as a second option. Every case is particular and requires a deep interaction between the designers and suppliers that can be achieved properly using our Integration Coefficient IC model.
Latin America Chart

Europe Chart

When installing All in One Solar LED Lamps unfortunately the main concern is to achieve maximum lux on the road (floor) and this fact makes difficult to also achieve, at the same time, towards which direction and angle should the integrated solar panel of the lamp face to get maximum power from the sun.
The best direction for solar panels to face is south when lamps are installed on locations at the north of the "Ecuador" line (but facing north for locations at the south of that same line), so you may want to have a south or north facing lamp for maximum energy production. This doesn’t mean you can’t install solar LED lamps if they face a different direction. The panels will just generate less electricity because they get less sunlight, but again, it is secondary against the location of the road and the way lamps must be installed to offer the maximum lumen. So, in the final project design, there is not other option that to take into account the typical lumen losses (less power from the sun) of those lamps that may be installed facing not so optimal directions.
The following graph, done for solar panels installed at the north of the "Ecuador" (maximum power gotten when solar panels are facing south) gives you how much the power produced by solar panels may decrease when lamps are installed in other directions if all other factors are the same.

It is important to note average numbers don't capture the variation in sunlight an area receives during a given year. To show that with an example, let’s bring you below a series of maps of the U.S. showing average monthly sunlight levels, (note that the color scale here is different than the one in the interactive maps we have shown before to capture the wider range of solar radiation values).
These maps let you understand that although you may choose an All in One Solar LED lamp based in the average sun hours per day of the region, this information will vary month to month making the year practically divided in thirds where during one third you will have more than average sun production, another below the average and the last one (winter) with a very poor sun power production.

This is why the PIR function for dimming purposes, also the possibility to change remotely the lamps' parameters of functionality, even together with IoT technology and a broad range of operation temperature are mandatory requirements when choosing this kind of lamps in order to take advantage of the maximum performance and the best is that you can find these features as standard in our offers for Real Specifications All in One Solar LED lamps.
Most of “reliable” suppliers (those, like us, that are not abusing about specifications that are proposed publicly) are offering Cost-Effective Solutions where full lumen is provided for around 9 hours. Then when dimming 50% you can obtain 2 nights of 9 hours and with double dimming up to 4 nights of 9 hours. These kind of lamps are typically designed with LED chips with 140 to 160 L/W, solar panels able to charge the LiFePO4 battery in less than one sunny day, battery capacity able to provide the lighting time proposed and PIR function to take advantage of dimming process that may increase the lighting time under rainy days to more than 4 consecutive nights with just one day sun charge.

Beside the promoted specifications let’s use an example for our typical analysis:
45W:6800L ratio, 80Wh Solar Panel and 460Wh LiFePO4 battery:
First, because DC-DC conversion efficiency of 90% the real battery capacity is 460Whx0.90~414Wh. You can obtain in a sunny place with 5.75 hours average sunlight that the battery can be fully charged in just one day (460Wh/80Wh=5.75 h) fully matching the promoted specifications.
Then to get 6800 lumen (45W consumption) during a night 12 hours, dividing 414Wh/45W~9 hrs which is less than a 12 hours night but close to 10 hours night, then giving a cost-effective solution.
If you dimming using our control system to 50% to get 3400L (22.5W) as standard lamp market offers, you will provide 414Wh/22.5W~18 hrs (just 2 nights of 9 hours backup or 1 night of 12 hours plus another night of 6 that you can extend with dimming).
If you can do double dimming per night according to people transit you can double the lighting time (4 or more nights of 9 hours) just with one sunny day battery charging.
And this is our meaning of Cost-effective REAL vs FAKE.
Our Integration Coefficient IC business model let customers to get the right and REAL All in One Solar Led lamp solution with the most updated technology and the the maximum customer satisfaction.
Our All in One solar lighting systems are cost-effective, sustainable, and reliable. Each system operates off-grid, so our solar lights continue to shine during power outages. In addition to our fully customizable products, our factories have created a remote control system that gives users greater freedom and flexibility over their lighting systems allowing you to adjust brightness settings, set various lighting programs per day, activate your device's motion detector, and more.
Furthermore, we can describe additional benefits as durable components built to withstand extreme weather, sustainable and renewable resource, our specially designed light fixtures also reduce commercial light pollution and are Dark Sky friendly, effective in remote locations and reduced maintenance costs, among other features, making solar-powered street lights outperform traditional lighting systems in several key areas, including security, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability.
Solar-powered All in One LED street lights are more cost-effective than their traditional counterparts. Traditional lighting requires trenching and underground wiring to connect to power grids. Solar lighting is autonomous and off-grid, significantly reducing the total cost of installation.
Furthermore, solar lighting harnesses power directly from the sun, cutting out the power company completely. Because solar lights reside off the main power grid, they can be relied on to continue to shine even when the electrical grid goes dark or does not exist, providing public spaces, road security, military facilities, and corporate campuses with better security and dependability.
Solar lights improve communities by reducing pollution. Traditional street lights emit carbon dioxide and contribute to greenhouse gas buildup in the atmosphere, but solar street lights help significantly reduce these harmful pollutants.
Finally, solar street lights require less maintenance than traditional lights. Traditional lighting fixtures may need to be replaced every five to ten years, but our durable solar lighting systems are built to last even more. Other than occasional panel cleaning and battery replacement every ten years, solar lighting systems need very little upkeep.