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  • Writer's pictureJaime Ventura Energy Consultant


Updated: Jul 17, 2023


Are the Climate Agreements abandoned

Are the Climate Agreements abandoned? Contrary to the fact of a world increasingly aware of climate change, it is worrying to see how some governments are moving away from international climate agreements and continue to promote the exploitation of fossil fuels, prioritizing a populist concept of energy independence in the short term over the transition towards renewable energy in the medium and long-term.

Examples such as the Dos Bocas refinery project in Mexico, the expansion of oil extraction in the Arctic or the extensive and continuous promotion of coal in many developed countries are just the top of the iceberg of this global problem.

These decisions or initiatives have drawn criticism from the international community and environmental groups, who argue that it is a step in the wrong direction that undermines efforts to address climate change. However they seem to be more and more the rule rather than the exception.

To ensure a sustainable future, it is essential that governments recognize the importance of meeting climate agreements and working together to achieve a cleaner and more resilient world. The Integration Coefficient IC emerges as a solution that helps to counteract this distancing from climate agreements.

The Integration Coefficient IC promotes the adoption of sustainable solutions throughout the supply chain, encouraging the integration of renewable energy and environmentally friendly practices. By encouraging companies to adopt a solutions-based approach instead of products, the Integration Coefficient IC drives the transition to a cleaner energy model and reduces reliance on fossil fuels.

To avoid governments acting in isolation and undermining climate agreements, it is essential to foster global collaboration. Initiatives such as the creation of a global platform that would allow the exchange of knowledge, resources and best practices, creating a unified front to address climate change and pressuring governments to take more responsible measures and aligned with climate objectives could be the way forward to take.

Conclusion: The move away from climate agreements by some governments is cause for concern, but it is not a hopeless situation. Through the Integration Coefficient IC and global collaboration, we can buck this trend and work towards a sustainable future. It's time to join forces, learn from past mistakes and build a world where sustainability is the central focus.

Together, we can prevent climate agreements from fading away and ensure a brighter future for generations to come. More information needed? Please Contact Us.

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