Since we have started talking about the potential disadvantages commonly attributed to hybrid solar systems in our previous post, we can add another one related to the fact that these systems require technologies that tend to be more expensive than those used in On-Grid installations causing the current discussion about cost disadvantages of Hybrid Solar Systems.
Because a hybrid solar system involves the use of solar panels, plus a hybrid inverter-charger that turns out to be heavier and more complex due to the addition of more functions, and a very long-lasting LiFePO4 battery bank that involves cutting-edge technology, it is not surprising that hybrid systems are an option that requires more investment.
One of the main disadvantages of hybrid solar inverters is their initial cost in the current inefficient supply chain. Hybrid inverters are more expensive than On-Grid inverters because of additional backup functionality. Another drawback of hybrid solar inverters is that their installation can be more complex than grid-tie inverters. Integrating a charge controller and a battery management system requires additional wiring and configuration. This complexity can make the installation process more time-consuming and may require the services of more skilled solar installers, all of which increase the investment.
Additionally, hybrid inverters can be more complicated to maintain and troubleshoot due to their sophisticated design. There is a cost of the batteries used with hybrid inverters also to be considered. These additional expenses can significantly increase the initial cost of installing a hybrid solar power system.
Although solar panels can last well over two decades (or three), batteries generally tend to be replaced every 10 to 15 years. The same is true for inverters because of their 5~7 to 10~15 years life span, so you can also expect them to need to be replaced at least once during the lifespan of the solar panels. But this is also true for On-Grid central or string inverters but it does not apply for On-Grid systems with microinverters.
However, despite these cons, there is no denying the better and higher cost-benefit ratio solar hybrid systems offer over On-Grid installations. A hybrid solar system is a great way to keep complete control of the power supplied to your load which is impossible to get when installing On-Grid systems. The added safety net will help you save money by reducing electricity bill costs. This feature makes them worth the investment.
The main reason your solar hybrid system's investment is shielded against cost detractors is keeping you covered even during inclement weather and night-time use during blackouts. The hybrid solar system will let you never run out of power.
Furthermore, through our Integration Coefficient IC manufacturing and marketing model, we achieve huge savings for end customers that greatly alleviate the impact of current prices on the inefficient supply chain they are currently mired in. So, the Pros outweigh the Cons demystifying the general cost discussion tendency about these systems.
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