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Writer's pictureJaime Ventura Energy Consultant


Updated: May 28, 2024

Raising the bar in our business communications

Companies, in general, are taking a long time to realize that the "comfort" they feel in having power over the consumer within the supply chain, and that they also consider advantageous for their purposes, is actually turning into a destructive avalanche against their own benefits.

The world has changed. And we can be in tune with those changes just Raising the Bar in our Business Communications.

We cannot continue using the basic business language that consists of very common words such as: Brand, Prices, Models, Certifications and Quality (which matter less and less), MOQ, MOA, Delivery time, Shipping costs, Terms, Stock, Brochure.

Increasingly and much more frequently than they imagine, clients are subjected to the stress of trying to solve their consumption or project needs, based only on numerical, physical, untouchable aspects, with zero options (take it or leave it), with many warranty problems, shipping or logistics mistakes and above all trust.

According to Gladly's study, 84% of customers are willing to switch to a competitor after three bad experiences and 17% after just one. That is why it is now imperative to start from the basis that customers need to know more about products, innovations, services, success references. They need to make suppliers understand that their frustration at their lack of power in an increasingly diversified and competitive market, has made them change, almost by push, their buying habits. Now they want to have the power to choose and to enjoy experiences and emotions according to their expectations and interests.

That is why companies that do not take the train that leads them to raise the bar regarding an updated language in their communications with their clients, will be devastated by those that now use a new communication language based on processes such as: organizing service protocols in digital or omni-channel marketing strategies, or manufacturing and market processes like our Integration Coefficient IC, among others; optimizing customer service processes, improving waiting times and assigning agents to resolve critical situations, collect valuable information from customers, which allows to offer accurate solutions aimed at satisfying demands and, at the same time, generating feelings, emotions and happiness.

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