​Welcome to our FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions section!
Here, you'll find clear and concise answers to the most common questions about our Integration Coefficient IC business model and the innovative solutions we offer.
Whether you're curious about how the IC model streamlines the supply chain, boosts sustainability, or improves ROI, this section provides all the information you need to understand why we’re transforming the Solar, Power Quality and Electric Backup industries.
Dive in to discover how we connect top-tier manufacturers, distributors, and installers to deliver unparalleled value, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
Have more questions? Reach out to us. We’re here to help!

1. What is the Integration Coefficient IC business model?
The Integration Coefficient IC is a disruptive business model that simplifies the supply chain by integrating manufacturers, installers, or project designers and end users in a so-called Collaborative Economy business environment. It ensures access to top-tier products at factory prices with smaller purchase volumes, leading to cost savings of up to 60%. This model prioritizes sustainability, efficiency, and customer satisfaction by offering complete solutions with a Unified Guarantee.
Our customers' comments reflect the magic of this process. When they interact with our business model, they often say, "We feel like the stars have aligned." Each step of the process unfolds naturally, spontaneously, and without friction, giving them maximum satisfaction. They feel that our solutions adapt perfectly to their needs, as if the solutions guessed by themselves and in advance, what they wanted and needed.
2. What are the key benefits for the market when offering solutions created by using the Integration Coefficient IC business model?
The Integration Coefficient IC is our disruptive business model that revolutionizes the solar, LED, power quality, and electric backup solutions industry. By streamlining the supply chain and integrating with top international manufacturers, we offer significant cost savings compared to traditional methods. This translates to:
Matched Solutions: Deep Market Analysis worldwide provides fully adapted solutions to customers' needs.
​Cost-effectiveness: Significant cost savings compared to traditional supply chains.
Lower costs: Access to the best prices directly from factories.
Higher ROI: Increased return on investment for your solar or energy project.
Improved efficiency: Streamlined supply chain and reduced lead times.
Improved quality: Access to high-quality, internationally recognized products.
Increased reliability: Reduced risk of compatibility issues and supply chain disruptions.
Improved Logistics process: Faster delivery, shortest transit times, minimum tariff at destination ports.
Simplified warranty: A unified guarantee for the entire system, eliminating the hassle of dealing with multiple suppliers.
Simplified project management: A single point of contact for all project needs.
Reduced risk: Minimized risks associated with supply chain disruptions and component compatibility issues.
Sustainable practices: Aligns with sustainability goals by promoting efficient energy solutions making them best reachable for end users.
Maximum customer satisfaction: A digital ecosystem handles automatically all interactions with customers making them natural spokespersons of this disruptive approach.
3. What is the formula or procedure for the Integration Coefficient IC business model can generate innovative solutions fully matched to market needs?
Our organization bases its proposal on the results obtained from the analysis of the client, the market, and the supply chain. The basic points of our analysis are related to:
Prices per channel into the supply chain.
Conflicts between channels.
Logistics processes.
How guarantees are fulfilled.
Quality of the information and suppliers in the supply chain.
If there are grants or subsidies to promote the solutions.
Customers’ feelings.
Customers’ ROI.
To get the right data from the market regarding the former points, our market analysis is designed to outline a deep and empathetic vision of the mind of the end consumers and this approach is our usual general analysis for any energy solutions from the point of view of the end customers and is based in providing answers to the following questions:
What do the clients think and feel?
What do the clients see?
What do the clients hear?
What do the clients say and do?
What is the client's pain?
What is the profit the clients expect?
The answers to the above questions indicate where the power is in the market. And unfortunately, this is not on the client's side.
Our ability to ask powerful questions embracing the Integration Coefficient IC as an innovative approach has led to brilliant and sustainable solutions in different sectors. The key lesson is that customer satisfaction and achieving environmental sustainability should be central goals in business decision-making. By promoting personalized, efficient, and eco-friendly solutions, we can transform challenges into opportunities and move towards a more sustainable and prosperous future.
4. How does the Integration Coefficient IC business model improve ROI and reduce warranty issues?
When installers or project designers deal through our Integration Coefficient IC model directly with top suppliers, they obtain factory prices with less purchase volume by getting solutions (as kits) instead of just components, then the IC model streamlines the supply chain, reducing costs and complexity by transferring these savings directly to end users. Installers and end users benefit from Unified Guarantee for the entire system as the solution is sold as a kit, avoiding confusion and potential conflicts with multiple suppliers, which greatly enhances ROI and customer satisfaction.​
5. How does the Integration Coefficient IC business model improve the Logistics process?
Our organization has built deep relationships for over 30 years with important international logistics companies, which allow for faster, less expensive air and sea shipments, with document unification services and better assignment of tariff codes because the solutions are kit-type, pre-packaged and in most cases and most countries they result in minimal and often zero tariff rates, very convenient in those regions with aggressive anti-dumping policies. Finally, since the solutions require the participation of several factories working in unison to achieve maximum quality and a unified guarantee, our logistics partners can consolidate the different components orders from every supplier involved in the solution under a single shipper company, with a single bill of landing, a single Certificate of Origin, a single invoice and a single packing list for each container sent, which results in great savings versus consolidated cargo shipments that are much more expensive than Full Container Load and also avoids extra charges at destination for deconsolidation, handling of loose packaging, etc.
6. What is the meaning of Digital Ecosystems for the Integration Coefficient IC business model to get maximum customer satisfaction?
In our business approach, our digital ecosystem is based on the promotion channels for our matched solutions and so-called Communications Mix, composed of our website, social media, and public relations.
This Mix offers our target customers an innovative marketing scheme between international factories and installers and/or project designers, who are the step in the supply chain closest to the end customer or user, who, by bringing them closer to the factories in terms of costs and services, can generate particular solutions with high savings fully adapted to the needs of the market.
Through the Mix, with the help of our website, blogs, social media, email campaigns, and free public relations, messages are sent to the market to raise awareness about sustainability, promote concepts of integration and innovation in the supply chain, subscribe to the website to match users with installers in a kind of collaborative economy and then share experiences based on feelings and emotions of users and their suppliers.
This whole process is cyclical, without end, since the information obtained from the market through these interactions promotes the need to access innovative solutions. Then the factories, under our guidance, all agree to integrate, generating these solutions with all the necessary advantages, and then, as leaders of this integration and using the Communications Mix, we activate the machinery for the timely acquisition of these solutions. The clients end up satisfied by the high savings with less loss of time, unified guarantee, and therefore the obtaining of a high and fast ROI.
In parallel, the Mix, as the control center of the cycle, collects and promotes these feelings and emotions of a successful nature to generate more sales or commercial interactions in the supply chain, and also, it feeds back to itself through an exhaustive analysis of possible discrepancies or with the references or positive experiences obtained. With this, the subsequent marketing actions and any other manufacturing details that may be necessary are adjusted. All of this is to increase consumer satisfaction levels.
7. Which obstacles have been encountered when trying to promote the Integration Coefficient IC business model as our best weapon in favor of sustainability?
Steve Jobs once said: “The simple can be more difficult than the complex, you have to work very hard to make your thinking clean and make it SIMPLE. But in the end, it's worth it because once you get there, you can move mountains.”
This philosophy resonates deeply in the heart of our organization when implementing the Integration Coefficient IC in the energy business. Our journey has been a roller coaster of challenges and successes. Implementing a model as simple as the IC in a world full of complexities has been hard work over many years.
We have faced obstacles every step of the way, from educating the market about the importance of energy efficiency as well as integrating equipment from top factories worldwide into a supply chain that also urgently needed renovation and increased efficiency.
But every challenge overcome has been worth it. Our dedication to the simplicity behind the Integration Coefficient IC has allowed us to offer energy-saving solutions that not only satisfy the end customer but also generate significant savings for them. The unified warranty and the use of cutting-edge technology differentiate us in a market saturated with options and inefficiencies.
As we look at Jobs' legacy, we see that his success was not just in creating innovative products, but in his ability to simplify technology and make it accessible to everyone. Likewise, our focus on the Integration Coefficient IC seeks to simplify the transition to a sustainable energy future. By integrating the world's best manufacturing teams and ensuring a unified customer experience, we are following in Jobs' footsteps by delivering simple yet impact solutions.
Like Jobs, we seek to simplify and democratize access to innovative energy solution packages or kits. Inspired by his legacy of innovation, we have created a digital ecosystem that efficiently connects installers and end consumers, in the style of the innovative concept of a collaborative economy (like Uber) but for energy.
Our vision is clear: transform energy-saving solutions like solar On Grid, In Grid, and Hybrid kits and LED lighting together with Solar LED Street Light Lamps, power quality and electrical backup, batteries, and rectifiers-converters, among others, into something accessible to everyone. Just as Jobs managed to move mountains with his innovations, we are also trying very hard to transform the energy industry. Every step we take towards simplification and efficiency brings us a little closer to a sustainable future for all.
In short, by taking inspiration from Steve Jobs, we are adopting his approach to simplicity and clarity to power our energy solutions. In doing so, we are working to move mountains and create a better world for future generations.
8. What sustainability goals does the Integration Coefficient IC business model align with?
The Integration Coefficient IC business model supports global sustainability by reducing waste, lowering the carbon footprint of supply chains, and making clean energy and power quality solutions more accessible to everyone. It’s designed to empower businesses and individuals to adopt eco-friendly practices without compromising quality or affordability. Using other words, we make our solutions offered highly sustainable by streamlining the supply chain when offering kits or pre-packaged solutions instead of components, reducing waste, and promoting eco-friendly practices. Unified guarantees further enhance sustainability by ensuring seamless customer service.
9. What innovative solutions are offered through the Integration Coefficient IC business model?
We offer a wide range of solutions, including Hybrid solar kits (single and three-phase), On-grid, Off-grid and In-grid solar kits, Solar Farms Consultancy, OEM batteries, Rectifiers and Converters, Power Quality systems solutions, solar LED lamps, and much more. Each solution package is designed to maximize value, ROI, sustainability, and customer satisfaction.
10. What makes the innovative solutions offered under the Integration Coefficient IC business model highly reliable and trustworthy?
Our solutions packages or kits, besides being already designed as tailored to customers' and markets' needs, are sourced from well-known international factories subject to rigorous quality control processes, certifications, and approvals and come from in-depth contacts with more than 250 of them in the wide range of solutions offered after having developed strict "OEM" and "ODM" manufacturing agreements. These multiple contacts have resulted in continuous processes of adapting and improving products and solutions according to technological changes and clients' specific needs. As a result of the above, we have led projects together with factories and clients, being all ears to their requirements and with extreme confidence due to that special "passport" that allows us to break the ice and the differences, both corporate and cultural, with each member of the interest groups, which many others have tried to overcome without any success. This continuous action has allowed the integration of different factories when a client or a market, after the marketing consulting stage, needs solutions that involve the combination and interconnection of cutting-edge technologies from different companies, making them work together and in unison, offering the end customer a complete solution in a very broad sense and all under our total guidance and leadership and with a Unified Guarantee ensuring that the entire system is reliable and meets high standards.
11. Where are these innovative solutions created under the Integration Coefficient IC business model offered?
Our solutions are currently available in the United States, Central and South America, the Caribbean Islands, Spain, and Italy, with plans to expand into other regions like India. Furthermore, due to the "collaborative economy" character of our business, it has been developed as a kind of franchise to be "sold" via "franchise agreements" to worldwide business representatives interested in replicating this innovative process.
12. How can end users access local installers or project designers offering these innovative solutions?
Simply subscribe to our website by completing the contact form. This allows us to connect you with the best professionals and solutions tailored to your needs while growing our community committed to sustainability and innovation and emulating innovative Collaborative Economy business tendencies.​​​​​​​​​​​​​
13. Where can I learn more about the Integration Coefficient IC business model?
You can access the Blog on our website where you will find updated information regarding experiences, barriers, marketing, manufacturing, logistics, news, tendencies, and typical business mistakes to avoid. These posts are related to our Integration Coefficient IC business model and are oriented toward our sustainability goals. Additionally, you can use our social media to find similar information and become a spokesperson for this disruptive business model developed as a Collaborative Economy approach, similar to Uber.
14. How to access online documentation and resources?
Visit the Library section of our website to request quotations, manuals, datasheets, technical notes, and other relevant documents to support your projects.
15. How to become a partner, installer, project designer or distributor to enjoy the benefits of the Integration Coefficient IC business model?
Contact us through our website or social media channels to discuss partnership opportunities. We are always looking to expand our community of trusted collaborators.
16. What about support for project design and implementation?
Our team collaborates with designers and installers to ensure that every project meets client specifications and sustainability standards. We have consultants with more than 30 years of experience and also work together as a group. It is easy to say, but there are many years of successes, and also some failures, from which we learn even more. What is truly remarkable is that this long journey exemplifies their constancy, perseverance, dedication, permanence, tenacity, and tireless reinvention of themselves in tune with the appearance of new technologies and trends, to be able to adapt to the inevitable changes that currently occur in the markets. All of the above has led us to the position we have today as energy consultants of high international esteem.
17. How to get a quote or start a project?
Reach out to us through the contact forms on our website or via WhatsApp to any of our consultants to discuss your specific project needs and to schedule a consultation to explore the best solutions for your project requirements.
18. Last but not least, how does the Integration Coefficient IC business model differ from traditional marketing and manufacturing approaches?
The Integration Coefficient IC model disrupts current traditional, fragmented, and inefficient supply chains by:
Differentiation through corporate reputation by using conceptual engineering to adapt products to the needs of the market turning solutions into feelings of satisfaction, that is, selling emotions and experiences instead of physical products, an increasing trend more rooted in modern marketing.
Better prices result from the integration between Asian suppliers with whom we have established direct connections and the local markets.
Innovation of the proposed integrated solutions when offering complete, pre-engineered packages instead of individual components to transform the current relationship between suppliers and customers into a synergy with a win-win orientation.
Establishing a collaborative approach when fostering a digital ecosystem between manufacturers, installers, and end-users then focusing on the market segments closest to the customers or end-users that currently do not have enough power to access international providers.
Focusing on customer value by prioritizing their needs and satisfaction when delivering maximum comfort and happiness through cost savings and enhanced solutions.
Looking for environmental sustainability without skipping financial and social benefits, based on the value offer of a continuous approach of the forces that make up the market, always in favor of the client, keeping the interest groups in perennial harmony with the actions and purposes of the project that make it possible and thus making consumers feel like honorary members of the wonderful club of those who help the planet's sustainability.