Following what we did with our Solar On-Grid Microinverter-based Kits, now is the turn to show another perfect example of how our professional value offer can generate more innovative solutions. There is nothing better than showing you our Hybrid Single and 3-phase Solar Kits pre-packaged for INSTALLERS and BUILDERS, another one of our several energy-saving solutions offered. This kit was also designed and marketed following our Integration Coefficient IC business model, which supports, one hundred percent, the management and success of our organization in energy saving and sustainability.
Please understand that these Solar Hybrid Kits respond to the same Marketing, Design, and Manufacturing plan already explained for our On-Grid Solar Kits, then we will focus on this part of the website to delve deeper into some important technical specifications and considerations that make these Kits fully suitable for different markets worldwide.
What is a Hybrid Solar System?

In the same way as the traditional system connected to the grid (On-Grid or Self-consumption), the solar panels in a hybrid solar system collect and convert sunlight into DC energy. In the conventional On-Grid system, electricity converted to AC is returned to the grid through central inverters or microinverters, allowing the user to live without batteries, save on their electricity bills and, at the same time, be able to access electricity from the utility during cloudy days or at night.
But, in a hybrid solar system, the electricity, both from the AC grid connection and the DC solar panels, is directed to a so-called "hybrid inverter-charger", which in turn is connected to a very long-lasting LIFEPO4 battery bank to manage its load, both from DC, with the solar panels, and from AC converted to DC from the utility.
Once the battery is fully charged through this process, both together and separately depending on how the advanced charging system that this hybrid inverter-charger has been programmed by software, the excess is channeled through a bidirectional AC Smart Meter via Net-Metering, to the AC power lines of the network.
This allows the user to retain in the batteries a good part of the electricity produced during the day from the sun via solar panels, or also from the hybrid inverter-charger, from the AC grid when this is cheaper, which helps to power the AC loads of the place (home, business or industry) not only during cloudy days or at night but also when there are power outages.
As a side note, hybrid solar systems that store energy in a battery while remaining connected to the grid should not be confused with systems that use both, solar and wind energy in parallel, which are also often referred to as solar hybrid systems.
It is important to highlight that the name “hybrid” comes, first of all, from the fact that the connected AC load takes energy on a shared basis from all the three main elements of this system, the commercial grid, the solar panels, and the battery bank, depending on how the system's operation is set. That is why you can see the 3-color AC line on the side of the connected loads.
Secondly, it is also observed that the batteries can be charged from the AC energy from the utility and converted into DC by the hybrid inverter-charger and the solar panels. In this case, the arrows point toward the battery bank showing two colors red and green.
Finally, the inverter-charger is capable of returning AC energy to the utility in On-Grid mode, through the net metering process, taking DC energy from both, the battery bank and also the solar panels, as seen in the arrows, light and dark red colors, towards the electric pole.
Are Hybrid Solar Systems Difficult or Confusing To Handle?

As explained before, the name hybrid for battery-based solar systems is related to the fact that the connected AC load draws energy in a shared way from the grid, the solar panels, and the battery bank.
Second, batteries can be charged from the utility AC energy and the solar panels, then converted to DC by the hybrid inverter.
Finally, the inverter can return AC energy to the grid, after converting the DC power from the battery bank and the solar panels, in On-Grid mode through net-metering agreements.
All these processes are carried out according to the user's needs, depending on how the system's operation is programmed or set. That is why there is often talk of a con of hybrid solar systems based on the idea that their operation could be cumbersome.
It is common to hear related to On-Grid solar systems, that little attention and maintenance are needed, although it is not necessarily true. However, due to the more complicated technology involved in a hybrid system, a certain significant amount of knowledge is needed to ensure that everything runs smoothly, or rather, to get the most out of the system, which involves two completely different objectives since it is obvious that operation could be achieved with minimal failures that do not necessarily lead to maximum savings.
For example, settings for how the hybrid inverter, battery, and grid may coordinate would need to be checked and adjusted; perhaps there is minimal maintenance for the solar panels and inverter of a hybrid system, but there could be a need to monitor the battery as environmental elements can further wear down its useful life. The electricity tariff scales per day, per hour, per week, and even per climatic season imposed by utility companies should also be known in depth.
Fortunately, hybrid solar systems already provide battery banks with protection against extreme temperatures with IP65 or IP66-rated enclosures. Likewise, they also offer sophisticated interfaces for monitoring and establishing key operating parameters in real-time, in addition to a range of alarms to alert the user when the parameters settings should be readjusted for maximum performance and also provide very explicit reports of energy consumed, energy sent back to the grid, lists of faults or alarms, all of them via WIFI or online in a cloud.
The possible detractors of these systems who argue how confusing it is to manage them, do not seem to understand that the search for sustainability implies maximum human-machine integration, a commitment by everyone to the environment, and knowing how to help the system work at their best to get its maximum performance. And all of these do not constitute a disadvantage at all.
Have Hybrid Solar Systems Cost's Disadvantages?

Since we have started talking about the potential disadvantages commonly attributed to hybrid solar systems, another one is that these systems require technologies that are more expensive than those used in On-Grid installations.
Because a hybrid solar system involves the use of solar panels, plus a hybrid inverter that turns out to be heavier and more complex due to the addition of more functions, and a very long-lasting battery that involves cutting-edge technology, it is not surprising that hybrid systems are an option that requires more investment.
One of the main disadvantages of hybrid solar inverters is their initial cost in the current supply chain. Hybrid inverters are more expensive than On-Grid inverters due to their additional functionality. Another drawback of hybrid solar inverters is that their installation can be more complex than grid-tie inverters. Integrating a charge controller and a battery management system requires additional wiring and configuration. This complexity can make the installation process more time-consuming and may require the services of a professional solar installer, all of which increase the investment.
Additionally, hybrid inverters can be more complicated to maintain and troubleshoot due to their sophisticated design. There is a cost of the batteries used with hybrid inverters also to be considered. These additional expenses can significantly increase the initial cost of installing a hybrid solar power system.
Although solar panels can last well over two decades (or three), batteries generally are replaced every 10 to 15 years. The same is true for inverters because of their 5 to 10 years life span, so you can also expect them to be replaced at least once during the lifespan of the solar panels. This is also true for On-Grid central or string inverters but it does not apply for On-Grid systems with microinverters.
Despite this initial cost disadvantage, there is no denying the better and higher cost-benefit ratio solar hybrid systems offer over On-Grid installations. A hybrid solar system is a great way to keep control of the power supply to your load. The added safety net will help you save money by reducing electricity bill costs. This makes them worth the investment. What makes the solar hybrid system shielded is that it keeps you covered even during inclement weather and night-time use. The system will make sure that you never run out of power.
Furthermore, through our Integration Coefficient IC manufacturing and marketing model, we achieve huge savings for end customers that greatly alleviate the impact of current prices on the inefficient supply chain they are currently mired in.
Have Hybrid Solar Systems Efficiency Disadvantages?

Another disadvantage of hybrid solar systems that is often mentioned is related to efficiency.
Although hybrid solar systems offer the convenience of capturing and storing excess energy from the sun and utility power, there can be a decrease in the overall efficiency of the system.
This occurs primarily during the power conversion processes. When power is converted from DC to AC for use in home-loads via the hybrid inverter, or during battery charging also via the same element this time acting as a charger, or from solar panels, there can be some power losses from the equipment involved as well as from the longer wiring lengths due to the presence of more elements in the system.
While technological advances have minimized these losses, it is still an important factor to consider when evaluating the performance of a hybrid solar inverter system.
But on the downside, first, batteries store most, if not all, of the excess energy not used by the AC loads, allowing in most cases to use it without needing to tap into utility power.
Second, the ability to feed energy back into the grid through net metering greatly minimizes such losses.
Finally, even if you don't have the opportunity to get net metering credits on your electric bill, you're still obtaining a good value for your hybrid solar system because you could end up saving more even if your utility company doesn't offer a satisfactory, comprehensive, or even nonexistent net metering agreement, as is still the case in several countries where electricity supply is poor and where utilities lack regulations for net balance contracts with their customers.
Have Hybrid Solar Systems Reliability Disadvantages?

Speaking of the reliability of the hybrid system, we again encounter two common comments against it.
First, the inverter-charger is key in the system. For example, if only the battery charger section of the inverter stops working, the system can still operate in On-Grid mode. However, if the failure is total, the solar system will fall 100% due to the same bottleneck concept studied in the case of central or string On-Grid inverters, which does not occur when microinverters are used.
However, one of the most important characteristics of these hybrid inverters is that they can operate in parallel typically by connecting 2 or more of them depending on the power of the single inverter. Battery banks can also be connected in parallel.
If the load to be connected is critical, the parallel of at least two hybrid inverters will solve the bottleneck problem. Furthermore, connecting the inverters and batteries in parallel will add versatility as you can increase AC power and battery backup time.
The following figure shows a typical connection diagram for this type of hybrid solar installation with three inverters, three battery banks, and three solar panel sets, all in parallel.

On the other hand, there are also some drawbacks to connecting solar panels in series on roofs. By adding the “Voc” voltages of the solar panels we will have two possible problems.
The first one is related to NEC 2017 (high voltages at roof level) and the other one is associated with the fact that the defect or decrease in DC energy production due to shadows or dirt on only one solar panel will have an impact on the reduction of energy production of the rest of the panels connected in series. Fortunately, hybrid inverters have been designed with several MPPT inputs that accept two or more “strings” of solar panels, depending on the power of the inverter, that is, the more power the more MPPT inputs, which allows each input of solar panels in series (added) to be independent of the others and also minimizes the voltage “seen” at roof level to comply with NEC 2017 and thus increase the reliability of the system. The same figure shows the two MPPT inputs, PV1 and PV2 of the three inverters connected in parallel from the world-renowned Megarevo inverters brand, about which we will give more information later.
As you can see, the reliability disadvantages mentioned before have been fully overcome by the extraordinary design of today's modern hybrid inverters.
Hybrid Solar Systems and Energy Efficiency Management

"Power Quality" and "Power Reliability" are two important terms in the electric power field, but not yet closely related to eco-sustainability.
Both terms are similar in that they address issues related to power supply quality and availability, such as voltage disturbances and power outages, but they differ in focus. Power Quality focuses on the quality of power being delivered to the loads, while Power Reliability focuses on the ability of the system to provide power continuously.
When eco-sustainability goals arise, both terms need to be integrated with a third one: Energy Efficiency Management, which measures how effectively we use and manage energy to do optimal work. This includes minimizing energy waste, reducing CO2 emissions, and improving the overall performance of energy systems. Power quality, power reliability, and energy efficiency management, all together, result in a more sustainable power system that not only provides high-quality, reliable power but also minimizes waste and emissions of CO2.
Solar Hybrid Systems with LIFEPO4 battery banks (ESS) are becoming the perfect and preferred solution for integrating "Power Quality", "Power Reliability", and Energy Efficiency Management. These systems provide high-quality power, and reliable backup during blackouts, and they are highly efficient when interfacing via net metering with utilities, increasing energy independence and resulting in significant energy savings and notable emissions reductions.
The Integration Coefficient IC helps to optimize system performance by identifying when and how to take advantage of all three aspects, depending on the specific solution needed.
For example, in areas where power quality issues are prevalent, an ESS can help stabilize the power supply and reduce damage to loads. In areas where power reliability is an issue, an ESS can provide backup power during outages and ensure continuous operation of critical loads.
In conclusion, "Power Quality" and "Power Reliability" are important concepts in the electric energy field. An ESS provides a fusion of both terms, with stable and clean, continuous, uninterrupted energy, and maximum independence from the electrical network. The Integration Coefficient IC, as an Energy Efficiency Manager, maximizes the benefits of both terms, ensuring that the power supply meets the requirements of the loads, operates efficiently and reliably, and promotes sustainability.
Hybrid Solar Systems vs. UPS Battle

The operation of data centers is critical to the success of many companies. A power failure means loss of important data, customer service problems, and damage to reputation. To avoid those issues, it is imperative to have a reliable power system to keep critical processes running without any interruption. In the past, UPS systems have been the most popular option to ensure continuous power. However, they have a significant disadvantage: they completely depend on the mains to charge their batteries.
With the rising cost of grid electric power and concerns regarding CO2 emissions, Solar Hybrid systems are gaining popularity bringing a Solar Hybrid vs. UPS battle about "Power Quality" and "Power Reliability".
These systems combine power from the electrical grid, with solar power generated by solar panels and long-life, reliable LiFePo4 battery banks. Energy from solar panels is used to charge backup batteries and provide additional power during demand peaks and to be “sold” to the grid. This not only reduces the cost of energy from the grid but also reduces the carbon footprint.

A recent study from the Solar Industry Association (SEIA), found that hybrid solar systems have a faster ROI than UPS for critical applications like data centers. On average, solar hybrid systems have a 4-year ROI, while UPS has an 8-year ROI.
Regarding reliability, measured by MTBF (mean time between failures), Solar Hybrid systems can outperform UPS. According to research from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Solar Hybrid systems have an MTBF of about 10~15 years, while UPS has an average MTBF of about 5~7 years.
In summary, Solar Hybrid systems are a current and promising trend for critical processes. With the Integration Coefficient IC approach, it is possible to integrate custom systems that are more cost and energy-efficient. As electricity costs continue to rise at a worldwide rate of 3% per year and solar technology continues to improve by leaps and bounds, we are seeing more and more organizations adopting solar hybrid systems. Then, current data confirms that Solar Hybrid systems are a better option than UPS for critical processes in terms of cost and reliability.
Hybrid Solar Systems: Weighing Benefits vs. Disadvantages

How much do the disadvantages discussed before outweigh the benefits of a hybrid solar system?
We've already weighed in on the cons that are very common when talking about these systems, with cutting-edge technological explanations and specifications overshadowing or nullifying the specific weight of any of these.
Weighing energy security and budgeting for replacing the LIFEPO4 battery and hybrid inverter every 10 to 15 years, a hybrid solar system has significant benefits. By staying connected to the grid, your loads can get power even if your solar panels don't get sunlight during the day, getting power from both the grid and the battery bank.
You can also save money with net metering if this is a valid option with your utility company. In terms of profitability, a hybrid solar system allows you to lock in low electricity consumption rates for years to come, protecting you from future increases in electric bills that are estimated at 2 to 3 percent annually allowing you to manage the time of use or energy consumption versus the rates imposed and changed at whim by the utilities, whether hourly, daily, weekly, or even seasonally. This way, you can get the maximum solar savings.
All of this money remains in your bank account (since you stop spending it in the future) and forms the most important part of the ROI calculation when investing in solar. The graph shows that the savings, or rather, better to call it "future investment", is the difference between what the accumulated electric bills would cost you over time when a solar plan is not executed (blue), and the fixed cost of the purchased solar system (in orange), which in many cases can even be financed in installments, and which is always paid off before the end of the system's useful life.
This type of investment offers savings from day one and even more so when there are local grants or rebates to promote this initiative.
Solar hybrid systems are becoming more popular as people look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and increase the reliability of their electricity supply. A hybrid solar system is a great option for those who want to do their part for environmental sustainability.
That is why our organization is committed to a concept of sustainability that we consider much more practical. For us, sustainability consists of all our activities being focused on the Integration Coefficient IC, making all our commercial, marketing, and manufacturing practices oriented towards customer satisfaction and improving the efficiency of the supply chain.
It is now time to show the equipment available for Hybrid Solar Kits. But before we do, we should mention that the same TIER 1 brands for 500 to 550-watt solar panels, and all the solar rack mounting accessories for vertical and horizontal options for flat roofs and floors, that were shown in the section dedicated to On-Grid Kits based on Microinverters, are also used for hybrid solar systems.
That said, we will focus on the prestigious brands used for the hybrid inverters and LIFEPO4 battery banks for every kit in each region worldwide. Let's start with the Single Phase solutions for the American Markets.
Single Phase Hybrid Solar Kit Solution for America US Market,
120-240 Vac, Bluetti Based

Firstly, and as a Bluetti Innovation and Star Partner, we offer EP-900 inverters ranging from 7.6 to 18 kilowatts, together with B-500 batteries, which are independent modules of approximately 5-kilowatt hours that can be connected in parallel up to approximately 40 kilowatt hours. These units are available in kit format (with panels and mounting racks) from Asia. The inverters plus their batteries can also be supplied as single units, but not as kits, from the United States.
Standard Home Installation Diagram

From the very beginning, Bluetti has tried to stay true to a sustainable future through a Top Technology array of green Solar Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for homes, commercial and industrial use. If you are starting from scratch, you can count on EP-900 inverter and B-500 LIFEPO4 batteries to build a powerful ESS from Bluetti for the most reliable power source. By incorporating Bluetti in our Solar Hybrid Kits with great brands from Top Suppliers of solar panels and rack mounting accessories, we offer complete and customized solutions through our Integration Coefficient IC business model where Total Customer Satisfaction and worldwide promotion of Sustainability are our main goals.

Bluetti EP-900+B-500 is a modular Energy Storage System featuring 9000 Wac output, 9000 Wp sun DC power input, and a maximum backup capacity of 19.8 kWh. With an intelligent Battery Management System (BMS) and reliable Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP commonly named LiFePO4) B-500 battery pack, EP-900 Solar Hybrid Inverter always gives its optimal performance regardless of the cold or hot weather.
Whether you are trying to get rid of high electric bills, are tired of fluctuating power supply from utility that happens now and then, or getting ready for clean solar energy solutions, the Bluetti EP-900+B-500 ESS is right for you.

For EP-900+B-500 solutions we are offering astonishing features to let users get the maximum power by paralleling 2 sets (1 x EP-900 + 4 x B-500) then obtaining up to 18 kWac power and almost 40 kWh battery backup and also providing the maximum power reliability when connecting the systems to external generators as needed.
Our motto is NO EXCUSES, NO LIMITS. Our Solar Hybrid Kits based on EP-900 + B-500 from Bluetti are focused strictly on your needs.
Parallel Connection Diagram

Generator as Backup Connection Diagram

With over 10 years of expertise, innovation-driven development, and attentive service, Bluetti’s extensive and reliable product portfolio is ideal for emergency backup power, and hybrid or off-grid living while delivering an exceptional eco-friendly experience for our worldwide customers. That’s why Bluetti has become an industry leader with a presence in more than 100 countries and is trusted by millions of customers across the globe.
Branding quality and performance studies from important sources have determined the superiority of Bluetti in solar hybrid ESS solutions over very famous brands.

Flexible Energy Solution, Grid Optional
With an impressive 10-20kWh energy storage capacity and up to 9,000Wac of continuous output power, the EP-900+B-500 can accommodate all your daily needs. It provides safe, reliable backup power during utility power outages. Power all your appliances and sell any excess energy to the Utility. A smart investment that can pay for itself and even generate income in the long run.
How Does EP-900+B-500 Benefit Our Life?
Solar panels generate electricity during daylight hours-often generating in excess of actual daytime demand. Adding a battery energy storage system captures this excess solar energy and makes it available for later use. Harness solar energy anytime with the EP-900+B-500, even when the sun is not shining.
If required you can set an operation mode where your inverter, when connected to the grid, will provide AC power to loads while your batteries are charged from solar energy, and the BLUETTI App will display the amount of energy generated from solar.
120/240 Vac Dual Voltage. Take Care Of All Your Devices
To power 240 Vac appliances and power tools at your home or worksite, an energy storage system with high-voltage output capability is required. While most products in the market can provide either 120 Vac or 240 Vac, the EP-900+B-500 system can simultaneously supply both from a single base unit.
Power Your loads for Weeks
Thanks to its modular design, it is easy to stack up as your energy needs grow over time. With B-500 (4,960Wh each) expansion batteries, you can expand the capacity from 9.9kWh to 39.6kWh to meet your power demands even for a few weeks.
Safety Guaranteed
Without any compromise on safety, BLUETTI EP-900+B-500 is built with the most reliable and stable LiFePO4 battery cells for the sake of an extended lifespan and safe operation.

EP-900 Single Phase Solar Hybrid Inverter. Technical Specifications

B-500 LiFePO4 Battery Pack Technical Specifications

Bluetti APP

Remote Real-Time Control
In any location, at home or on the go, you can seamlessly control the EP-900 + B-500 from your cell phone. Set the working mode, manage power consumption, view charging status, and even perform over-the-air updates, all in a matter of clicks.
Using the Bluetti app, you can up Peak Load Shifting. This causes the EP-900 to charge B-500 batteries with low-priced grid power when available. Discharging is done during peak hours (around 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the US) when electricity prices are highest; this helps offset monthly bills and reduce your electrical bills.
The Bluetti app allows you to monitor and access your battery remotely. It also has backup and usage time features to help you extend your battery's backup time during a power outage.
In short, the Bluetti app allows you to manage your home Energy Storage Systems (ESS) from anywhere, anytime. Monitor your energy usage, solar energy data, and battery status, and even control charging and discharging, all in a matter of clicks. With the Bluetti app, you can easily monitor every vital metric as energy consumption, solar energy data, battery status, charge/discharge management, charge/discharge schedule, etc. Take control of your home energy as needed.
Single Phase Hybrid Solar Energy Kits, Bluetti based
Container Information

Every Bluetti Solar Hybrid set comes in wooden pallets with the same dimensions.
Wooden Pallets are well protected with foam fillers for empty spaces, especially when orders are received with fewer battery banks.
All Solar Rack Mount sets come in carton boxes HxWxD: 100x2350x220 mm.
EP-900 Inverter and accessories come in a carton box HxWxD: 560x790x490 mm.
All B-500 Batteries and accessories come in carton boxes HxWxD: 530x790x490 mm.
Solar Panels are Tier 1 brands with a power output of 550Wp or 555Wp depending on Asian stock availability. They are grouped and protected by foams between them and the wooden pallet, in this way, we guarantee no movement inside the wooden pallet.
Other combination options are available under special requirements.
Explanatory Marketing and Installation videos translated into Spanish of Single Phase Hybrid Solar Systems Bluetti EP-900 + B-500 based

Single Phase Hybrid Solar Kit Solution for American Market,
120-240 Vac, Megarevo + Hysone Based

You can also count on our reputable suppliers for affordable and still high-reliability equipment as Megarevo Hybrid Inverters and Hysone LiFePO4 batteries for home, commercial, and industrial customers when sourcing our Solar Hybrid Systems, or more commonly named Energy Storage Systems (ESS), based on complete Solar Hybrid Energy Kits for American Split Phase 120-240 Vac markets, having integrated great brands from Top suppliers also for Tier One solar panels and fully approved solar rack-mounting accessories to offer a complete, affordable and customized solution through our Integration Coefficient IC business model ensuring Total Customer Satisfaction while promoting worldwide Sustainability goals.
Inverters range from 5 to 10 kilowatts. They can be connected in parallel for a maximum power of 30 kilowatts AC (up to 3 units). The battery packs are modular, of 48 or 51 Volts DC and 100 or 200 Ampere hours. These can also be connected in parallel. Both the inverters and the batteries are for wall mounting. The Solar Hybrid Kits based on Megarevo inverters from Asia are the most affordable options with a very high benefit vs cost ratio.
Megarevo Hybrid Split Phase 120-240 Vac Solar Hybrid Inverter
Technical Specifications

Megarevo Split-Phase 120-240 Vac Solar Hybrid Inverter
Typical Installation Diagram

Megarevo Split-Phase 120-240 Vac Solar Hybrid Inverter
Parallell Installation Diagram
Let's remember the following figure showing a typical connection diagram for this type of hybrid solar installation with three inverters, three battery banks, and three solar panel sets, all in parallel. This is a piece of repeated information already discussed in previous paragraphs.

Local Bluetooth and WIFI Solarman APP

Explanatory video translated into Spanish of Megarevo Split Phase
120-240 Vac Hybrid Solar Inverter Installation

Hysone LiFePO4 Wall Mounting Battery Banks Technical Specifications

Hysone was founded in 2013 and is a specialized and reliable Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) worldwide provider that has found our Integration Coefficient IC business model as a great tool to promote Solar Hybrid Kits, through excellent product quality and high-level services and has become a trustworthy supplier for global merchants.
For Hysone, it is a great honor to work hand in hand with our organization and customers through our specially designed Integrated Supply Chain in the direction of green development to create a sustainable future.
Hysone has always dared to take responsibility and make unremitting efforts to enable all mankind to enjoy new energy.
Solar energy is a fantastic way to get power anywhere the sun shines. This advantage is only great when the sun is out, so users must have the best battery possible for storing solar energy and LiFePO4 battery chemistry is one of the best options. It can lower utility bills, generate new revenues, and provide resilience with backup power.
When paired with Tier 1 Solar PV modules and other distributed energy resources as prominent solar hybrid inverter brands, battery storage gives your business tremendous flexibility and control over managing energy use and costs.
The battery management system is used to ensure the optimal use of the residual energy present, protect the batteries from deep discharge, and over-voltage, which are results of fast charge and high discharge current processes, and provide for cell balancing functions, to manage different battery cells have the same charging and discharging requirements via exquisite Battery Management Systems (BMS) built-in control systems.
Also, BMS communication protocol must match with hybrid inverters brands and Hysone offers full compatibility with Megarevo Hybrid inverters.

Explanatory video translated into Spanish of
Hysone LiFePO4 Battery Packs Advantages

Split Phase 120-240 Vac Hybrid Solar Energy Kits, Megarevo+Hysone based
Container Information

Every Megarevo+Hysone Solar Hybrid set for American markets comes in wooden pallets with the same dimensions.
Wooden Pallets are well protected with foam fillers for empty spaces, especially when orders are received with fewer battery banks.
5 and 10kW Megarevo Inverter comes in a carton box HxWxD: 930x560x335 mm.
All 104AH Hysone Batteries come in carton boxes HxWxD: 530x600x200 mm.
For 208AH: 585x853x183 mm.
All Rack Mount sets come in carton boxes HxWxD: 100x2350x220 mm.
Solar Panels are Tier 1 brands with a power output of 550Wp or 555Wp depending on Asian stock availability. They are grouped and protected by foams between them and the wooden pallet, in this way, we guarantee no movement inside the wooden pallet.
Other combination options are available under special requirements.
Split Phase 120-240 Vac Hybrid Solar Kit Solution for American Markets
KSTAR + CATL Based - Coming Soon

KSTAR, a leading global new energy solution provider, boasts a well-established presence in key solar markets worldwide. Its expertise spans the spectrum, delivering cutting-edge PV inverters and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) featuring CATL top-brand battery solutions. This ESS is produced by the KSTAR-CATL joint venture under our Integration Coefficient IC model and leadership.
KSTAR offerings cater to residential, commercial & industrial, and large-scale utility applications. Backed by 30 years of experience in electrical and electronic technology, KSTAR is committed to generating superior new energy solutions for a diverse global clientele. With cutting-edge energy solutions, KSTAR is ready to tailor a sustainable energy solution to fit your business needs.
KSTAR-CATL ESS BluE-S "US" series is the most up-to-date all-in-one storage product, providing a safe, smart, and high-efficiency solution for diverse applications. The solution is an All-in-One CATL battery module with a KSTAR inverter, low maintenance costs, and easy installation.
The single-phase hybrid inverter features an intelligent modular design, online monitoring via the ESS app, and a programmable time of use tariff in certain countries, charging at night at off-peak and then in use during the expensive peak period typically in the afternoon.

Let’s explore how KSTAR-CATL’s BluE-S Series ESS is revolutionizing solar hybrid energy management:
It is designed to optimize energy usage in several applications. It efficiently stores excess energy, primarily from solar panels, to be used by load connected when the sun isn’t shining. This ensures a continuous energy supply, especially during power outages, making it a reliable power backup source. Smart technology facilitates optimal energy management, aligning with your usage patterns and reducing electricity costs.
These single-phase systems are perfect for average-sized residential, commercial, and industrial applications and they are simpler and more cost-effective to install. They operate on standard 120-240 Vac American standard and are ideal for regular critical demands.
The benefits of BluE-S ESS are outstanding:
Energy Efficiency: By storing excess solar energy, these systems ensure maximum utilization of renewable resources.
Power Reliability: They provide a dependable power backup, ensuring your home remains operational during outages.
Smart Energy Management: Advanced technology enables efficient energy storage and usage, adapting to your lifestyle and energy needs.
Scalability: Whether your energy demands increase or decrease, these systems can adjust accordingly.
Eco-Friendly: Reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources, BluE-S ESS helps in lowering your carbon footprint.
Cost Savings: Over time, the use of these systems can lead to significant reductions in electricity bills.
Longevity and Warranty, a Promise of Quality: With a cycle life of 10,000 cycles and a robust warranty policy, the BluE-S Series stands as a long-term investment in your home’s energy future. This durability translates into fewer worries about maintenance and replacement, offering you peace of mind.
Environmental Impact: Adopting the BluE-S Series is more than just a smart energy choice; it’s a step towards a greener future. By enabling efficient use of renewable energy, it reduces reliance on non-renewable sources, contributing to a healthier planet. Additionally, its energy management capabilities can lead to significant savings on your electricity bills, making it a cost-effective solution in the long run.
Solar Hybrid Kits: When integrating these units using our Integration Coefficient IC business model with Tier 1 solar panels and rack-mounting accessories for roofs or flat floors to provide Solar Hybrid Kits we improve the currently inefficient supply chain and promote sustainability.
Others: All-in-one design; high efficiency up to 97.6%, UL listed, FCC approved, IP65 protection, RoHS fulfillment, string monitoring optional, easy installation, digital controller, DC/AC surge protection, reactive power controller.
Standard Home Installation Diagram

KSTAR 120-240 Vac Hybrid Inverters Up to 4 Units
Parallel Connection Diagram

KSTAR 120-240 Vac Hybrid Split Phase Inverter Technical Specifications

CATL LiFePO4 Battery Bank Technical Specifications

CATL LiFePO4 Battery Banks up to 10 Units
Parallel Connection Diagram

Split Phase 120-240 Vac, Hybrid Solar Energy Kits KSTAR+CATL based
Container Information

Every KSTAR+CATL Solar Hybrid kit for American markets comes in wooden pallets with the same dimensions except the 15kWac power, 40kWh Battery backup power (a bigger one) because using up to 8 battery banks in parallel.
Wooden Pallets are well protected with foam fillers for empty spaces, especially when orders are received with fewer battery banks.
8kW to 15kW KSTAR Inverter comes in a carton box HxWxD: 1260x750x350 mm.
All 100AH CATL Batteries come in carton boxes HxWxD: 720x640x340 mm.
All Rack Mount sets come in carton boxes HxWxD: 100x2350x220 mm.
Solar Panels are Tier 1 brands with a power output of 550Wp or 555Wp depending on Asian stock availability. They are grouped and protected by foams between them and the wooden pallet, in this way, we guarantee no movement inside the wooden pallet.
Other combination options are available under special requirements.
Is now the time to show our Single Phase Solar Hybrid Kits Solutions for Eurasian markets, including American South Cone countries and some islands in the Caribbean Sea.
Single Phase Hybrid Solar Kit for Eurasian, American South Cone and some Caribbean Islands Markets, 220/230 Vac, 50 Hz, KSTAR + CATL Based

Let’s continue with the KSTAR brand residential energy storage system BluE-S Series, the most up-to-date all-in-one single-phase storage product. It provides a safe, smart, and high-efficiency solution for residential applications.
The BluE-S series is an all-in-one CATL battery module with a KSTAR single-phase, 220/230 Vac, 50 Hz hybrid inverter. It offers low maintenance costs and easy installation advantages.
The single-phase hybrid inverter features an intelligent modular design, online monitoring via the ESS App (also with Solarman), programmable time of use tariff in certain countries, charging at night at off-peak and in use of battery backup during the expensive peak period in the afternoon.
The Blu-E series sets are IP 65 designed, providing better protection against water and dust while aesthetically pleasing. Internally, the all-in-one system has invisible cable routing.
Its smart technology and advanced internal design are optimized for its working environment, so that the hybrid system can work under harsh conditions, such as a storage temperature range of between -20 and +60 Fahrenheit Degrees, with salty air and humidity.
The Blu-E series includes a 5-year product and 10-year performance warranty with 24/7 monitoring via the KSTAR (Solarman) Cloud App. Moreover, it offers customers a fast service via our Unified Guarantee and an uninterruptible power supply.
Key Features.
CATL LFP Battery, stable and safe.
Module, pack, system, triple protection.
IP65, outdoor installation, away from living room.
Modular design, single person can carry and install it.
Plug and play.
30 min quick installation.
Space saving; 0.15 sq. m foot print.
Global cloud platform and Mobile APP anytime and anywhere.
Open API, support power internet applications.
The Hybrid Solar Kits built throught KSTAR-CATL join venture are systems with many possibilities for expansion, since up to 4 inverter modules can be connected in parallel for greater power (up to 24kWac), the battery bank provides excellent discharge characteristics, being very modular, with parallel connection options up to 5 sets (up to 25kWh) and also very affordable, to be able to progressively expand the backup time as needed and perfectly fit any requirement. Furthermore, these kits require minimum maintenance in any of its components and the average duration (life span) of these installations is over the average of similar great international brands. Diagrams for parallel connections for both, inverters and batteries, are identical as shown before for the US, UL listed models.
The Blu-E series KSTAR energy storage solution for 220/230 Vac is an optimal choice for solar hybrid systems, which is designed with CATL battery solution + KSTAR inverter solution. The All-in-One single-phase storage solution is safe, reliable, and performs better. The great brands CATL-KSTAR joint venture produces this energy storage system under our Integration Coefficient IC model and leadership.
Standard Home Installation Diagram

KSTAR Hybrid Single Phase 220/230 Vac Inverter Technical Specifications

Explanatory video of KSTAR Single Phase 220/230 Vac
Hybrid Solar Inverter and CATL LiFePO4 Battery Installation Guide

CATL LiFePO4 Battery Bank Technical Specifications

CATL LiFePO4 Battery Banks up to 5 Units Parallel Connection
and Wiring Accessories included in the Solar Kits

Explanatory video of KSTAR and CATL Manufacturing Joint Venture

Let's show an interesting video translated into Spanish that aims to explain how our team has handled the Marketing and Manufacturing Model of the Integration Coefficient IC, which is the basis of our value proposal, in the development of our KSTAR-CATL Solar Hybrid Kits but also applied with some adjustments and in a general way, to the rest of the solutions offered by our organization.

Single Phase 220/230 Vac, Hybrid Solar Energy Kits, KSTAR+CATL based
Container Information

Every KSTAR+CATL Solar Hybrid kit for Europe-Asia-America South Cone and some Caribbean Islands markets comes in wooden pallets with the same dimensions.
Wooden Pallets are well protected with foam fillers for empty spaces, especially when orders are received with fewer battery banks.
All Inverters comes in a carton box HxWxD: 710x630x340 mm.
All CATL BP5.1 Batteries come in carton boxes HxWxD: 720x640x350 mm.
All Rack Mount sets come in carton boxes HxWxD: 100x2350x220 mm.
Solar Panels are Tier 1 brands with a power output of 550Wp or 555Wp depending on Asian stock availability. They are grouped and protected by foams between them and the wooden pallet, in this way, we guarantee no movement inside the wooden pallet.
Other combination options are available under special requirements.
Single Phase 220/230 Vac, 50 Hz, Hybrid Solar Kit for Eurasian,
American South Cone and some Caribbean Islands Markets,
Megarevo + Hysone Based

You can also count on our reputable suppliers for affordable and still high-reliability equipment as Megarevo Hybrid Inverters and Hysone LiFePO4 batteries for home, commercial, and industrial customers when sourcing our Solar Hybrid Systems, or more commonly named Energy Storage Systems (ESS), based on complete Solar Hybrid Energy Kits for Single Phase 220/230 Vac markets, having integrated great brands from Top suppliers also for Tier One solar panels and fully approved solar rack-mounting accessories to offer a complete, affordable and customized solution through our Integration Coefficient IC business model ensuring Total Customer Satisfaction while promoting worldwide Sustainability goals.
Inverters range from 3 to 8 kilowatts. They can be connected in parallel for a maximum power of 24 kilowatts AC (up to 3 units). The battery packs are modular, of 48 or 51 Volts DC and 100 or 200 Ampere hours. These can also be connected in parallel. Both the inverters and the batteries are for wall mounting. The Solar Hybrid Kits based on Megarevo inverters and Hysone Batteries from Asia are the most affordable options with a very high benefit vs. cost ratio.
Megarevo 220/230 Vac Hybrid Single Phase Inverter
Technical Specifications

Megarevo Single Phase 220/230 Vac Typical Installation Diagram

Megarevo Single Phase 220/230 Vac Parallell Installation Diagram
The following figure is showing a typical connection diagram for this type of hybrid solar installation with two inverters, two battery banks, and two solar panel sets, all in parallel.

Explanatory video of Single Phase, 220/230 Vac
Megarevo Hybrid Solar Inverter Installation

As explained before for the Megarevo Split Phase Hybrid Inverter, the Solar Hybrid kits with G2-DA Series inverters are also complemented with the same 48/51.2 Vdc models of 104 AH and 208 AH Hysone LiFePO4 Battery packs and the same Solarman App via local (Bluetooth) or WIFI for online monitoring.

Explanatory video of SOLARMAN App with G2-DA Series

Single Phase Hybrid 220/230 Vac Solar Kits, Megarevo + Hysone based, Container Information

Every Megarevo+Hysone Solar Hybrid kit for Eurasian, American South Cone and some Caribbean Island markets comes in wooden pallets with the same dimensions.
Wooden Pallets are well protected with foam fillers for empty spaces, especially when orders are received with fewer battery banks.
All Megarevo Inverter models comes in a carton box HxWxD: 560x540x340 mm.
All 104AH Hysone Batteries come in carton boxes HxWxD: 530x600x200 mm.
For 208AH: 585x853x183 mm.
All Rack Mount sets come in carton boxes HxWxD: 100x2350x220 mm.
Solar Panels are Tier 1 brands with a power output of 550Wp or 555Wp depending on Asian stock availability. They are grouped and protected by foams between them and the wooden pallet, in this way, we guarantee no movement inside the wooden pallets.
Other combination options are available under special requirements.​
Single Phase 220/230 Vac Hybrid Solar Kit for Europe, Asia, American South Cone and some Caribbean Islands Markets, Bluetti Based

As a Bluetti Innovation and Star Partner, we offer EP-760 inverters of 7.6 kilowatts AC, together with B-500 batteries, which are independent modules of approximately 5-kilowatt hours that can be connected in parallel up to approximately 20 kilowatt hours. These units are available in kit format (with panels and mounting racks) from Asia. The inverters plus their batteries can also be supplied as single units, but not as kits, from Europe.

Standard Home Installation Diagram

Single Phase 220/230 Vac EP-760 Solar Hybrid Inverter
Technical Specifications
Note: B-500 Batteries Specifications already shown above

Explanatory video of Single Phase, 220/230 Vac
Bluetti EP-760 + B-500 Hybrid Solar Inverter-Battery Installation

Single Phase, 220/230 Vac, Hybrid Solar Energy Kits, Bluetti based Container Information

Every Bluetti EP-760+B-500 based Solar Hybrid Kit 220/230V comes in wooden pallets with the same dimensions.
Wooden Pallets are well protected with foam fillers for empty spaces, especially when orders are received with fewer battery banks.
All Solar Rack Mounting sets come in carton boxes HxWxD: 100x2350x220 mm.
EP-760 Inverter and accessories come in a carton box HxWxD: 560x790x490 mm.
All B-500 Batteries and accessories come in carton boxes HxWxD: 530x790x490 mm
Solar Panels are Tier 1 brands with a power output of 550Wp or 555Wp depending on Asian stock availability. They are grouped and protected by foams between them and the wooden pallet, in this way, we guarantee no movement inside the wooden pallets.
Is now the time to show our Three Phase Solar Hybrid Systems Solutions for American and Eurasian markets, including American South Cone countries and some islands in the Caribbean Sea.
The following video will allow you to discern the global value of the Megarevo brand within the solar hybrid systems industry and also serves as an introduction to the 3-Phase Solar Hybrid Systems and MicroGrid ESS Solutions in the same field offered for both the Eurasian and American markets by this important company as well as from KSTAR-CATL joint venture and Bluetti.

3-Phase, 380/400 Vac Hybrid Solar System Solution for Europe, Asia, America South Cone and some Caribbean Islands Market,
Megarevo + Hysone HV Based

Our reputable suppliers, Megarevo Inverters and Hysone LiFePO4 batteries are being combined this time to offer affordable and high-reliability equipment for customized 3-Phase Solar Hybrid Systems for home, commercial, and industrial customers for 380/400 Vac markets, having integrated great brands from Top suppliers also for Tier One solar panels and fully approved solar rack-mounting accessories to offer a complete solution through our Integration Coefficient IC business model ensuring Total Customer Satisfaction while promoting worldwide Sustainability goals.
Inverters range from 6 to 15 kilowatts. They can be connected in parallel for a maximum power of 60 kilowatts AC (up to 4 units). The battery packs are modular, with High DC Voltage and 100 or 200 Ampere hours capacity. These can also be connected in parallel. The inverters are designed for wall mounting and the batteries for floor mounting. The 3-Phase Solar Hybrid Systems based on Megarevo inverters and Hysone LiFePO4 batteries from Asia are our most affordable options with a very high benefit vs cost ratio.
Megarevo Hybrid 3-Phase 380/400 Vac Hybrid Solar Inverter
Technical Specifications

Megarevo 3-Phase 380/400 Vac Hybrid Solar Inverter Dimensions

Megarevo 3-Phase 380/400 Vac Hybrid Solar Inverter
Terminal Connectors

Megarevo 3-Phase 380/400 Vac Hybrid Solar Inverter
Typical Installation Diagram

Hysone High DC Voltage LiFePO4 Floor Mounted Battery Banks for
3-Phase 380/400 Vac Hybrid Solar Systems Technical Specifications

Megarevo 3-Phase 380/400 Vac Solar Hybrid Inverter
+ Hysone High Voltage LiFePO4 Battery Bank Installation Video