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BRIGHT AND SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS FOR SOLAR MARKET In business, asking the right questions is the difference between success and stagnation. Some important referents in different fields have commented in this regard: Rob Liano: "The quality of an answer is directly proportional to the quality of the question." W. Edwards Deming: “If you do not know how to ask the right question, you discover nothing.” Thomas J. Watson (IBM CEO for 40 years): “The ability to ask the right question is more than half the battle of finding the (right) answer.” Oprah Winfrey: “Ask the right questions, and the answers will always reveal themselves.” A good story: An airport, faced with long wait times at baggage claim, invested in traditional solutions to speed up the carousels. They concluded that the costs were prohibitive versus the possibility that users felt an improvement as many claims persisted. However, they found that slowing down passengers before reaching baggage claim provided a more cost-effective and successful solution. This brilliant idea improved the customer experience and generated more revenue by encouraging flow through shops, cafeterias, and restaurants, greatly increasing user satisfaction and the airport's profitability. This is the power of the correct questions. Let’s compare the former story with the market analysis in the solar industry to show how powerful questions lead to brilliant and sustainable solutions and customer satisfaction. In the solar market, the key question was: Why are homeowners still dealing with expensive self-consumption solar installations even though solar power is free? The traditional "commodity" approach to the supply chain offered no clear competitive advantage. The innovative solution was the integration of internationally recognized suppliers into a single project focused on the end customer and environmental sustainability. The Integration Coefficient IC methodology significantly reduced the acquisition costs of end customers through digital ecosystems and collaboration between local installers (as a sharing economy tendency), who accessed volume prices from international providers. In addition, the unified guarantee provided trust and closeness between suppliers and end customers, strengthening the win-win relationship. The ability to ask powerful questions and embrace the Integration Coefficient IC as an innovative approach has led to brilliant and sustainable solutions in different sectors related to the solutions we promote. The key lesson is that customer satisfaction and environmental sustainability should be central goals in business decision-making. Promoting personalized, efficient, and eco-friendly solutions lets us transform challenges into opportunities and move toward a more sustainable and prosperous future. Your trust in subscribing lights up our path. We are ready to integrate solutions that maximize your results. Thank you in advance for choosing us!
On this special day, we wanted to pay tribute to all fathers and highlight the vital role they play in the lives of their children. In the image of this post, the father mouse becomes a protective and wise figure, guiding his son along a path recreated as a solar market with dissatisfied customers due to a very inefficient supply chain, meanwhile collecting all market traps that are clinging painfully to his back symbolizing the sacrifices all parents are willing to face to protect their kids. Although the son is enjoying the walk and even reminding his father: "I told you, everything will be fine," because of the apparent lack of danger in this hard path they are walking through, and of course, without knowing how much the father is suffering from the traps that are painfully attached to his back, he responds him with love and wisdom that even though he may know that the path is free of danger as his son believe, that he wanted to accompany him anyway to have fun with him, reflecting how protective and patient parents must be for their kids. For this reason, we can find a similarity in the business world, particularly in the concept of our Integration Coefficient IC , which acts as an experienced father guiding his kids (clients) to overcome the obstacles of a problematic and inefficient supply chain. Just like daddy mouse protects his kid from traps, the Integration Coefficient IC ensures that customers are safely and efficiently guided through a supply chain that today is often plagued with high prices, low profitability, difficulties in fulfilling guarantees, logistical problems in shipments, and higher tariffs at customs destination ports as well as quality problems and therefore, user dissatisfaction , all of this making it difficult to achieve the main objective of sustainability in solar energy, led lighting, batteries, and power quality business. The Integration Coefficient IC, like a protective and experienced father, seeks to offer comprehensive solutions that address all of these challenges . It provides strategic guidance, cost optimization, unified guarantees, improvements in the quality of solutions and services, and a constant pursuit of sustainability , becoming the trusted partner of customers, making sure that their needs are met and that they find the road to success in an increasingly complex and convoluted market. On this special day, let's celebrate the father figure and recognize the importance of having someone to guide and protect his children. Similarly, let us together promote the innovation offered by the Integration Coefficient IC in the business world, which, by acting as an experienced and protective father, provides direction and support to clients to overcome obstacles and achieve success in a challenging current supply chain. Happy Father's Day to all fathers and those who, like the Integration Coefficient IC , guide and protect clients on their path to success . We will be grateful to have you with us after your next contact . Thank you for following our vision of a more integrated, efficient, and sustainable world.
WHAT TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT WHEN CHOOSING ONE? Surge Protective Device SPD is a solution designed to protect electrical and electronic critical loads from power surges and voltage spikes. But, it is essential to take into consideration the following aspects when choosing one: Grounding: SPDs will be only as good as their grounding installation conditions. Older sites or facilities with inadequate wiring and grounding will not be helped by an SPD without the necessary upgrades. Even the best SPD will fail if there is no proper current escape path through the ground. Listing: SPDs must have been independently designed, tested, and certified to the latest editions of IEC 61643-11 and/or UL 1449 Ed. 4. This provides the user of the product with the peace of mind that they will perform safely in the application and they will also work based on the ratings provided. Both standards have strict tests that are not easy to pass but are essential to ensure that the product is well-designed for safe behavior and effective protection performance. But how can you know? The quality and performance of SPDs are difficult for a customer to assess. The correct functioning can only be verified in suitable laboratories. Apart from the external appearance, only the technical data provided by the manufacturer can serve as a guide. Even more important is a reliable declaration from the manufacturer and the certification and approval regarding the performance of the SPD and the execution of the tests specified in the respective product standard, such as IEC 61643-11 or UL 1449 Ed. 4 mentioned before. Location: In this case, while the ANSI/IEEE C62.41 standard has classified the critical load location environment as Categories, C (service entrance), B (distribution boards), and A (outlets), the IEC standard 62305-4 describes or categorizes critical load locations as Protection Zone Concepts called Lightning Protection Zones (LPZs). LPZs can be divided into two categories: 2 external zones (LPZ 0A, LPZ 0B) and typically two internal zones (LPZ 1, LPZ 2), although more zones can be introduced if required. Coordination of SPDs: For the former two location standards, complete protection is possible when SPDs are installed in a "coordinated" manner. Coordinated SPDs means that several SPDs installed on a structure (from the heavy-duty SPD at the service entrance, C or LPZ0, to the SPD for terminal equipment protection A/B or LPZ2/1) must complement each other so that all transient effects of AC or DC hazardous energy are completely nullified. We want to leave an open discussion: Is there one standard more demanding than another in terms of safety and location? Are you aware of electrical permits or local rules that may avoid using an IEC 61643-11 approved SPD in America or vice versa: UL 1449 used in Eurasia? What do you think about this information related to our business model Integration Coefficient IC ? The future of Power Quality is empowered by your contact. Thank you in advance for subscribing . Let's explore together how commercializing these types of solutions helps maximize your business impact, providing a clear differential advantage in your market . And please do not forget to comment about the former questions.
WILL YOU KILL ONE PERSON TO SAVE FIVE? The Trolley Dilemma, a famous ethical problem, raises fundamental questions about decision-making that may also apply to marketing. This dilemma is a hypothetical scenario where a train is heading towards five people in danger. You have the option of changing the track and diverting the train to another rail where there is only one person who is also in danger. The ethical conflict lies in deciding whether it is justifiable to sacrifice one life to save five. In marketing, a similar dilemma can be found when making business decisions to benefit the company but not always promoting customer satisfaction and sustainability . The Integration Coefficient IC offers an innovative perspective in resolving this dilemma. By adopting this approach, companies seek to satisfy the needs and desires of the consumer effectively , going beyond the traditional vision focused solely on the numerical interests of the company . The philosophical aspect is intertwined with the importance of consumer satisfaction and sustainability, both as ethical objectives. By embracing the Integration Coefficient IC , companies recognize that consumer satisfaction should not be the main objective but a moral imperative. This approach involves providing personalized solutions that create a positive consumer experience , thus fostering loyalty and word of mouth. Although the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) may raise concerns about the loss of jobs, which brings again the same dilemma, its responsible use can also contribute to overcoming it, even generating more jobs than those that could be lost. By leveraging AI to collect and analyze consumer preference data , companies can deliver personalized offers and improve the customer experience, thereby strengthening customer satisfaction and the relationship with the company. Consumer satisfaction becomes a catalyst for long-term business success. When consumers feel valued and satisfied, more than buying from you again, they will become spokespersons for the company, sharing their positive experiences with others. This creates a virtuous endless circle that drives company growth and reputation. The IC seeks consumer satisfaction and sustainability as fundamental priorities, balancing the interests of companies and consumers to avoid the dilemma. By embracing AI responsibly, we empower the ability to personalize and enhance the customer experience, creating a positive business and ethical impact. In our organization, the Integration Coefficient IC guides every step we take. Once you subscribe , together, we will build a sustainable and efficient business model for every kind of solution we have developed.
Soccer statistics say it all. In a third of the penalties, the player kicks the ball to the left of the goal. In another third, he kicks it to the right. And in another third, to the center. Therefore, if the goalkeeper stays in the center, it is much more likely that he will avoid a goal. Paradoxically, when analyzing penalty shootout data in different major leagues worldwide, it was discovered that only 6.3% of goalkeepers remain in the center. Why? The public would not forgive inaction. It looks better if you do something, even if it costs a goal. Inaction has no press. This kind of statistic has originated a famous phrase: The Dangerous Syndrome of Do Something . The same is true in the business world. Acting is not the same as solving a problem. Often, we waste time and money doing things that we don't know how to evaluate and stop in time. We mistakenly believe we only have two options: to act or not to act. Worse still, when the market becomes more difficult (the scorer is about to break the net), more errors are produced inside the goal area (fouls) that generate more penalties, and because we still think it is better to keep moving, the probability of solving the problem decreases even more. However, there is a third option. Assess the situation thoroughly. Gather more information . After that, act only when you are sure the action will improve or solve the problem. Following those steps, our organization has taken time to carefully create solutions completely adjusted to the needs of the market and the clients. With our Marketing and Manufacturing business model Integration Coefficient IC , we have achieved solutions that are based on data collected from the questions we ask customers: What do they Think? Feel? See? Say? Do? Hear? Suffer? Expect?. All this before developing the solutions involving the factories in the process and creating an Integrated Supply Chain that brings customers closer to the factories with very significant acquisition cost savings, unified guarantee , use of TOP technologies from manufacturing units of great international prestige, plus the opportunity for customers to express their satisfaction through our mix of digital ecosystem communications and thus creating an expedited and natural path towards a more sustainable world . Let’s stop any "penalty" caused by the constant mistakes of the supply chain by subscribing to our website.
The International Day of the Sun is commemorated every year on June 21st since 2019, as this date coincides with the summer solstice, and it is the longest day of the year. The day of the Sun is commemorated to teach the importance and relationship between the sun and the life of human beings on planet Earth, to sensitize the world population about the importance of the existence of the Sun for our lives, as well as the increased tendency in renewable energy adoption in which the Sun is the protagonist. Living in a sunny city has a very positive impact on your life. Sunshine improves mood and mental health. Human exposure to sunlight improves overall health by helping to reduce blood pressure and is crucial in Vitamin D production, which increases bone health. It also improves brain function and sleep quality, eases mild depression, lessens Alzheimer’s symptoms, heals some skin disorders, boosts growth in children, enhances the immune system, and reduces the risk of certain cancers. More? The Sun will help to reduce your electric bill when going solar using our solar kits manufactured and marketed under our Integration Coefficient IC model and also to save the planet by always taking steps forward toward our main objective: Sustainability . All energy is ultimately derived from the sun and harvested directly through solar power systems under the Collaborative Economy business tendency . This seems to be the best way to transition to renewable energy. We need to drive the cost of getting solar energy down to where it's competitive for bulk power generation. Using our On-Grid , as well as In-Grid and Hybrid Solar Kits , is one of the main technological steps today toward this goal. Our Solar Kits are already pre-assembled from the Factory with a full Unified Guarantee , and you will find all that you need in just one carton box. Do you need more accessories? We also offer many options for that. Then, the installation procedures will not be as messy and costly as they are now. If you need more energy to save, just buy as many kits as you may need. But you can do it just when needed. The system is plug-and-play. It is the beauty of the Integration Coefficient IC applied to the solar business. With your subscription , in addition to talking about energy, we integrate ideas, people, and technology. The sustainable future starts now and with you!
We are all prisoners of our past, products of our generation, and influenced by who we have known and what we have experienced, much of which has been beyond our control. Some are worse off than others, and just a few are more aware of their blind spots . But everyone believes that any intelligent and well-informed person would disagree with this. And this also applies to business. Our past experiences in business condition our vision (creating paradigms) of what is possible and what we should do in the future. The problem is that not everything we have done in the past will serve us well in the future . We may not even be in the same business 5 years from now and inclusive much less time due to the high velocity with which technology changes. Let's bring a famous story about how the railway companies missed a great opportunity. They did not understand that they were in the transportation business, not the railroad business. They missed the chances with the airlines. In the same way, we must be attentive to how our past experiences and our current business can blind us to new opportunities that we cannot see at the moment. “ History repeats itself, only the actor changes ,” as a famous song says ( La Balada del Pianista - Jose Feliciano ). The multiple complaints, discontent, and low level of consumer satisfaction that we glean from our analysis of the solar market in different regions of the world when using our Integration Coefficient IC tells us that solar companies today have failed to understand that we are in the business of sustainability to avoid the disastrous consequences of climate change and not in the business of renewable energy components . This commercial blindness makes them lose opportunities against organizations focused on macro objectives that empower the consumers , society, and the planet. Gretchen Rubin is one of today's most influential and thought-provoking observers of happiness and human nature and a highly acclaimed writer, known for her ability to distill and convey complex ideas with an affinity for new tools and platforms, and founder of “The Happiness Project," which has helped create an ecosystem of imaginative products and tools to make people happier, healthier, more productive, and more creative. She once said: “ What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while .” This leads us to understand that it is easy to take this into account one day, but it's hard to do it over a lifetime. That's why great results rarely come from doing things just once . Rather, they come from doing things often, for a long time, and with macro objectives. And more when things are done in a disruptive way . Do you want to know more about our Integration Coefficient IC ? We invite you to subscribe to our website.
NEW TIMES REQUIRE INNOVATION AND DISRUPTION In the ever-evolving business landscape, the traditional definitions of logistics, encompassing procurement, production, warehousing, distribution, customer service, and reverse logistics, no longer capture the full potential of the modern supply chain. This post aims to challenge the limitations of the old, usual, and formal way of defining logistics and introduce a disruptive concept known as the Integration Coefficient IC . By considering the IC alongside the traditional definitions, businesses can unlock new levels of efficiency, sustainability, and customer-centricity. By considering the Integration Coefficient IC alongside the traditional definitions, businesses can unlock new levels of efficiency, sustainability, and customer-centricity. The traditional logistics model, with its distinct categories, offers a fragmented view of the supply chain. However, simplifying logistics with partial scope is a mistake. The Integration Coefficient IC presents a transformative approach that integrates all aspects of the supply chain, creating a seamless and efficient flow of goods and services. It aims to deliver value by reducing costs at the end-consumer level, promoting sustainability, and offering tailored solutions that cater to individual project requirements. Unlike the traditional logistics framework, the IC emphasizes innovation and sustainability as key drivers of success . By adopting an IC-focused approach, businesses can implement an integrated supply chain that minimizes transportation costs, reduces fuel consumption, and promotes ecological practices. This innovative marketing scheme goes beyond conventional logistics, enabling businesses to provide unique, client-specific solutions that align with market demands and sustainability objectives. The Integration Coefficient IC is not just about optimizing the physical aspects of logistics; it embraces digital disruption as well. By leveraging advanced communication channels , businesses can raise awareness about sustainability, promote integration and innovation within the supply chain, and share experiential stories that resonate with customers emotionally . This fusion of digital technology and logistics enables businesses to deliver a compelling narrative while achieving significant cost savings compared to traditional supply chain models. At the core of the IC concept lies a deep focus on meeting customer needs . By adopting an IC-driven logistics strategy, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction through integrated solutions that address their unique requirements. The IC ensures that the supply chain revolves around the customer, providing a seamless experience from procurement to after-sales support . The Integration Coefficient IC represents a paradigm shift in logistics, redefining how it is now executed. By moving beyond the limitations of traditional logistics and embracing the IC, businesses can unlock new opportunities for efficiency, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. It's now the right time for businesses to embrace the fact that the Integration Coefficient IC is redefining logistics and revolutionizing the way this concept is perceived and practiced in the modern era. You have arrived at the place where ideas become solutions . Thank you for your further contact . We are here to offer you innovation, efficiency, and results.
The phrase " The more Darkness a Candle light will shine brighter than the sun " finds its relevance in the context of the supply chain of the solar business. We want to accentuate the dichotomy that currently exists, which is exemplified by the fact that although solar energy represents an intrinsic source of light, end customers are trapped in the dark due to their total lack of power within the supply chain, produced by the highly inefficient of it. The lack of unified guarantees , high prices, logistical problems, high customs duties , confusing and arbitrary permits, as well as the lack of incentives, continue to generate a lot of dissatisfaction, which hinders the massive adoption of solar energy and therefore the assurance of a world sustainable in the short and medium term. However, our manufacturing and marketing model Integration Coefficient IC emerges as a simple candle capable of illuminating this supply chain that is bent on obscuring sustainability . By focusing on it and on user satisfaction , the Integration Coefficient IC places the end customer at the center, also making it the main promoter of solar energy . Through unified guarantees, an attractive ROI, integration of recognized leading manufacturers with the most up-to-date technologies guaranteeing the quality of solar solutions, logistical improvements that reduce transportation costs and tariffs, and a digital communications ecosystem that quickly collects end customers satisfaction levels and turns them into the main promoters of the emotions and positive feelings that arise from this simple concept, constitute the key elements of our Integration Coefficient IC model . These elements, which are continuously neglected by current competition , generate trust and allow long-term economic and environmental benefits, since the motivation is simply based on sustainability, consumer empowerment and not short-term profits . Again, concepts as simple as a candle . The Integration Coefficient IC also stands out for the significant savings offered to users. Thanks to the optimization of the supply chain and the integration of efficient technologies, customers can save up to 60% compared to current prices. This long-term vision and sustainable approach ensures that solar energy is a true light source for future generations, ending the aforementioned dichotomy. The Integration Coefficient IC brings us closer to a future where sustainable energy is a reality for everyone. Thank you for your kind attention, your contact will tell us that you are ready to transform your energy model.
THE INTEGRATION COEFFICIENT IC AS A TOOL FOR GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY Are the Climate Agreements abandoned? In a world increasingly aware of climate change, it is worrying to see how some governments are moving away from international climate agreements and continue to promote the exploitation of fossil fuels, prioritizing a populist concept of energy independence in the short term over the transition towards renewable energy in the medium and long-term. Examples such as the Dos Bocas refinery project in Mexico, the expansion of oil extraction in the Arctic, and the extensive and continuous promotion of coal in many developed countries are just the tip of the iceberg of this global problem. These decisions or initiatives have drawn criticism from the international community and environmental groups, who argue that it is a step in the wrong direction that undermines efforts to address climate change. However, those are becoming the rule rather than the exception. To ensure a sustainable future, governments must recognize the importance of meeting climate agreements and working together to achieve a cleaner and more resilient world. The Integration Coefficient IC business model emerges as a solution that helps to counteract this distancing from climate agreements. The IC promotes to adopt or acquire sustainable solutions throughout an improved and more efficient supply chain , encouraging the integration of renewable energy and environmentally friendly practices. Encouraging companies to adopt a solutions-based approach instead of products , the IC drives the transition to a cleaner energy model and reduces reliance on fossil fuels. To avoid governments acting in isolation and undermining climate agreements, it is essential to foster global collaboration. Initiatives such as the creation of a platform that would allow the exchange of knowledge, resources, and best practices, creating a unified front to address climate change, and pressuring governments to take more responsible measures aligned with climate objectives could be the way forward to take. Conclusion: Moving away from climate agreements by some governments is cause for concern, but it is not a hopeless situation. With the help of the Integration Coefficient IC business model, we can buck this trend and work towards a sustainable future . It's time to join forces, learn from past mistakes, and build a world where sustainability is the central focus. Together , we can prevent climate agreements from fading away and ensure a brighter future for the next generations.
KSTAR AND CATL INTEGRATION FOR EUROPE, AMERICA SOUTH CONE AND SOME AMERICAN AND CARIBEAN ISLANDS, SINGLE PHASE 220-230VAC The benefit of hybrid solar kits, Eurasian models this time , is that you will always have power in any situation. The Integration Coefficient IC helps to optimize system performance by identifying when and how to take advantage of Power Quality, Power Reliability and Energy Efficiency Management , depending on the specific solution needed. Meanwhile you enjoy this video, in English language, about how easy and convenient is the installation procedures for Blu-E Series Inverter, CATL LiFePO4 battery banks and Solar panels TIER 1 with rack-mounting accessories, please pay attention by listening about our marketing and manufacturing philosophy behind this kind of solar kits. This product line is one of our Top of the line for Eurasia and American South cone markets. And by the way, other good news: K-Star's Inverters & ESS systems comply with NTS v2.1: 2021-07 and UNE217002:2020 for Spanish market now . This is just another step to be aligned with the exigent standards of every member of the European community. Please apply to this interesting concept of solar saving technology combined with global social, economic and sustainable commitments by subscribing to our website and to get more information. Join to our lists of Installers and homeowners to let you be a privileged and satisfied customer pro to sustainability in your region.
In the business world, we all aspire to have a master plan that guides us to success . However, as famous boxer Mike Tyson said, " Everyone has a master plan until you get punched in the mouth ." This iconic phrase invites us to reflect on the importance of adapting to the challenges and unexpected changes that arise on the road to business success, which is mainly related to concepts like Leadership, Resilience, Focus, and Learning . We learned that effective Leadership involves having a vision and the ability to break new ground and find innovative solutions , and it made us capable of anticipating changes and challenges to guide our teams toward the achievement of clear objectives. The Integration Coefficient IC acts as a strategic guide that allows us to create a unified vision for the entire organization. Resilience has made us able to bounce back quickly and learn from our failures and obstacles. Just like in boxing, every punch taken is an opportunity to learn and improve. Resilience allows us to adapt, adjust our strategies, and move forward with determination. Focusing on customer satisfaction has been also one of the keys to our success. By clearly establishing this primary objective, we were able to design strategies that have generated positive experiences and customer loyalty. The IC allows us to integrate factories and achieve an integrated supply chain to offer complete solutions instead of simple products, ensuring that clients receive added value and the best quality care. Constant Learning has permitted us to adapt to a very competitive business environment that is constantly evolving and changing. We have avoided basing our decisions solely on numbers and statistics but rather on a holistic understanding of our business and its impact on customers. The IC helped us evaluate and correct our actions , using a digital ecosystem to gather accurate information and adjust our approach based on variables that could affect our business. In short, in the business world, a “master plan” is not a foolproof formula. However, by embracing the pillars of leadership, resilience, focus , and learning, along with the Integration Coefficient IC , we have been able to break the barriers and build a strong and sustainable business . In addition, by integrating the concept of sustainability as our main objective in the short, medium, and long term, we avoid short-term numerical goals and focus on generating a positive impact that makes the consumer our main spokesperson . The focus on solutions rather than products , on creating an integrated supply chain, and on unified guarantee support has provided customers with a complete and satisfying experience , strengthening the relationship with them and fostering loyalty towards this new business trend, which in turn generates a beneficial synergy for all parties involved. Achieving sustainability is enhanced by your contact . Thank you in advance. Let's explore together solutions that maximize your business impact.